Episode 5: Tactician's Advice

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Myrina and the others would spend a few hours without speaking to one another, however, when the night had come, they all sat together at the table in order to talk their minds out.

"All I'm saying is that you need to start working with us." Myrina says, Juno nods his head, "I agree. But it might take some time because I've been working alone for a long time." Jensen and Xiumin look at one another as this continues on until Jensen breaks their conversation. "Juno, you said we could have a potential team setup?" He asked.

Juno nods his head and pulls out a drawing, on it, it shows each of their weapons and strengths. "I presume that we have a setup for quick attacks and cover." Xiumin raises an eyebrow, "How exactly?" "Simple, Myrina is our flanker, quick, strong, hit and run attacks to throw the enemy off balance. You're our main attacker, as long as you can hold your own, we can get Myrina into place. Meanwhile, Jensen and I are all-rounders and will constantly assist you or Myrina in your attacks." He says

Myrina's POV
Interesting... Juno seems to be battle smart. He could prove as a useful tactical advantage. "I agree with Juno, let's go over a battle plan and after doing so, we'll rest for tonight and when the Grandmaster challenges us, we'll finally beat him!" The others nodded their heads and together, we each formed plans for the team that we could use in tomorrow's fight.

For the next few days, their attempts to defeat Portal go unsuccessful, however, with each defeat, they better and refine their battle plan. Finally, upon the sixth fight between them and Grandmaster Portal, they stand ready.

"Finally... you all have the faces of warriors..." he tells them. The four of them look at one another and nod their heads before beginning their attack. Xiumin rushes forward, before this fight, in their spare time, had had also gotten used to their abilities. Xiumin engulfs his sword in flames before shooting it towards Portal who quickly jumps into the air and blasts himself towards Jensen, leaving behind a cloud of dust in the air.

Jensen blocks the attack with his arm blades as Myrina jumps forward, attempting to kick Portal, but was instead was parried. Portal pushes himself off of Jensen and in-turn, kicks Myrina causing her to crash into the ground. Juno summons a large shadow snake, charging it towards him. Portal jumps past the snake and cuts off the head of the snake.

Xiumin then shoots him out of the sky with a ball of fire causing Portal to fall in front of Juno who then shoots out a ball of shadows, hitting him in the chest and knocking him towards Jensen who roundhouse kicks him to the side and after folding one of his arm blades back, Punches him farther back. Portal runs towards him, but his attack is blocked by a shield formed by Myrina before she launched it into him and slightly stunning him.

Myrina charges towards him, jumping into the air and summonining a shield onto her arms and dashes at him and knocking him onto his back. Juno and Xiumin summon their abilities, Juno with a shadow snake again, and Xiumin with a flaming snake. The two of them send these animals towards Portal, causing an explosion in the training area. As the dust cleared, the four of them watched as the crater they had just created was fixed by magic.

Portal stepped out from the dust and brushed himself off. With a smile, he looked at the four of them. "Very good..." he said. He then hands them each an object. As they look at it, they realize it is the same. A crescent moon. "Your team has proven themselves to continuing to the next stage. But first, I will have to ask you each... create a codename for yourself to hide your identities."

One at a time
Myrina - "NightHawk"
Juno - "NightLock"
Jensen - "BloodMoon"
Xiumin - "Xiumin"

Portal smiles at Xiumin, "You don't want to hide your identity?" Jensen asks, Xiumin shakes his head, "The girls will be all over me." He replies. Portal then laughs, "Very well... you will finally receive your team name... NNBX, and you will be led by... NightHawk." He tells them. Myrina pauses for a moment, "With all do respect Grandmaster, but Juno was the one who mainly created this plan. I believe he should be in command." Portal turns to Juno with his hands behind his back, "What do you say NightLock?"

Juno lets out a chuckle, "I believe Myrina would be more of a fitting leader than I sir. She has my trust, and the rest of our team. I believe you made the right choice in making her the leader." Portal then smiles again before looking back at Myrina. "There you have it. Very well. Team NNBX, your next assignment is simple. There will be a four on four match between every team that has progressed to this stage. All you have to do is defeat them. It will begin in three days." He says.

NNBX all nods their heads before Portal teleports away, leaving them in the training area. The four of them turn towards each other and smile, "Good job everyone!" Jensen says, Xiumin smiles, "Of course, who do you think I am?" The four of them turn to Myrina who was silent. "What's wrong Myrina?" Xiumin then asks, she looks at them and then to Juno. "Why didn't you accept to being the leader?"

Juno then chuckles with a smile. "I'm not a leader, more of a follower. On top of that..." he says before briefly looking away, "I did say I trust you didn't I?" He finished. Myrina smiles, holding her hand close to her chest. "That's true... you did say that." Jensen then puts his arm around Juno's neck, "Alright, why don't we celebrate now? We have three days until the next time we'll have to fight, but let's practice when we can!" He says dragging him away. Xiumin smiles nodding in agreement.

Myrina nods her head as well, "You're right Jensen. Let's start practicing tomorrow." She says.

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