Episode 8: Nightmare

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Portal made his way to Myrina and the others, he shook each of their hands and with a smile told them; "You've all done well, I'm proud of the warriors, the people you each have become." He then takes a single step back, "Team NNBX of the Crescent Moon... ranked in the top five teams in third place. Well done. I know it is your graduation, but I suppose now would be a better time to speak about it. Death is currently nowhere to be found, however, one of his generals by the name of Azrael has began to setup an empire. You are to locate his empire and destroy it by whatever means necessary as your first assignment, understood?" The four of them nod their heads in acknowledgment. He then walks away as the four of them turn to one another.

They along with several other graduating teams leave the academy gates, saying their goodbyes to friends, NNBX make their way towards the main city of the Encarfian kingdom. It is one of the most well-known cities and is a key landmark as well as a historical place in Encarf.

Jensen's POV
"The Western Mountain City? Never heard of it." Xiumin said, "WHAT!? No way!" Myrina and Juno say together. I had already began loading our wagon as the three of them spoke about where to go. "The Western Mountain City! The city General Sherlock recaptured from Aerokian forces during the Neo-Genesis War!" Juno told him. Xiumin shrugs, "Never heard of that either to be honest with you." He replied.

"Did you not pay attention in class?" Myrina asked him, Xiumin smiles, "Hah. No." I began to smile, taking off my mask and placing it onto my belt, I finished loading our final box and gears. "We're ready!" I called out to Myrina, she turns to me with a smile and nods her head. "Alright. Team NNBX, are you ready to move out?" She asks them. Juno smiles, "No." he says jokingly, "I haven't loaded my hentai collection yet." He also jokes. The two of them share a laugh as Juno leans his head onto Xiumin trying to hold his laughter.

Myrina smiles, "Alright then! Let's get going!" She then turns back to me and jumps onto the front of the wagon where the seats are placed. Xiumin joins her while Juno and I sit in the back of the wagon. While there, Juno looks at me, "Where are your blades?" He asks, I point over to a box, "In there. You know, they can be a nuisance to wear 24/7." I reply. Juno nods his head before sitting back along the rails of the wagon. Thankfully, we have a cloth over the wagon so the beaming sun doesn't kill us from heat.

"We do know where the city is right?" Xiumin asks, Myrina nods her head, "Of course! The Grandmaster gave all teams a map around Encarf." She replied, "What's the plan after we get there?" I asked her, she paused for a moment before turning to look at me and smile. "I didn't even think of that." She tells me.

Juno's POV
I saw Jensen poke his head through a mid-sized opening in the cloth to the front of the wagon. What is he doing? Ah talking with Myrina about what to do. I began looking through the boxes, lets see... Jensen's blades, food, water, clothing, tents, flint and steel. Hm... no books to read? Thats a bummer. I turn to the others and sigh, "We didn't pack any books?" I ask them, Jensen turns to me, "I didn't see any boxes with book." He tells me, I groan before sitting back down.

"Cheer up Juno, you'll have plenty of books to read in the Western Mountain City." He tells me. I nod my head in agreement before laying on the floor of the wagon. "I'll be sleeping then, wake me up if something important happens." Jensen gives me a thumbs up, "We'll do." He replies.

The city was a long distance away, it would take them apparently a 7 to 10 days. On the first night, they set up the wagon near the trail while they set up tents somewhat around the treeline. Xiumin was making the fire while Juno and Jensen searched for fire wood. The sun was setting, the sky was orange with white snow-like clouds floating around.

Myrina's POV
I pulled out the box of food and brought it to the camp, putting it down beside our tents. Each of us would have our own. As I looked down at the food, I began to wonder if we would have enough to last us until we made it to the city. "We could always go hunting." Juno said as he and Jensen tossed sticks into the fire. "How did you-?" I began before he stopped me, "Yeah, my abilities can also help me read minds. Crazy I know." "Now that I think about it... we haven't really tested our abilities have we?" I ask, Juno shakes his head.

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