Episode 1: First Impressions

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Myrina's POV
I finally made it... I got to the academy of Encarf... after walking through the courtyard and through the main gates, I was greeted by a large crowd of people facing one direction. I made my way around, finding a spot along the right side of the wall in this large room.

Juno's POV
Upon making it to the academy, I was genuinely blown back by the scenery of the shrines and ponds. Making my way into the main building, I saw what seemed like to be a "party" of some sort. There was a sign above the door reading "New students please wait" therefore I made my way into the middle of the crowd.

Jensen's POV
After getting into the academy, I really wanted to sit down and sleep. After all, I had walked 30 miles just to get to the harbor and then took a ship to encarf. But, I heard the chattering of other people from inside the building on my left. "Why must they be so loud? Was coming here a mistake?" I say out loud before face palming myself. I entered the building and quickly found a secluded spot near the front left corner by an exit.

Xiumin's POV
DAMN!!! The girls here are hot as fuck! What does it take for a guy like me to get laid huh? Anyway, as soon as I got into the academy courtyard, my eyes were locked on a girl walking into the main building, it looked like she was wearing a pink outfit with some shades of blue and white.

Who knows? I was far away. So I followed her in hopes of possibly hooking up with her you know? Once inside the building, it seemed like something was about to begin. I decided to stay beside the door I had just come from, leaning against the wall, I saw someone step out from the stage area.

As everyone stood in the main lobby of the academy, a stage was set where a figure stepped out with their hands behind their back. "Welcome students." He said, "As you know, coming to this academy does NOT require you to have any training beforehand whatsoever. Some of you are brought here by choice, others by chance, or even pride. Nonetheless whatever your reason may be, I promise you we will mold you into the finest warriors and assassins the world has ever seen!" He stepped to the side and still looking at everyone in the room, opened his mouth again.

"This is head of the academy, Grandmaster Portal. He will be teaching you for a majority of your time here." He said. Portal stepped forward, obviously he was quite an old man, however he seemed to still be very fit for his age. Portal crossed his arms as he stared at everyone. "As you just learned, I am Grandmaster Portal. First things first, we'll be taking all of you to the dorms. It will obviously be separated by gender, please, females follow Ms. Aeon, males follow Mr. Nucle." He said.

Myrina's POV
With those words, I followed the other females towards the dorms. Once there, I set my bags down beside my bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling. "Okay, first things first, get unpacked and comfortable. In an hour, you will begin your training. Feel free to explore around the academy." Ms. Aeon told us. I took a deep breath for a moment or two before turning onto my right side facing the wall. "I wonder what kind of people I'll meet here..." I muttered to myself as I closed my eyes.

Juno's POV
On the way to the dorms, some idiot spilled their equipment. I don't know how you can carry a large sword, its just a bunch of unnecessary weight. After reaching our dorms, I chose the farthest bed in the far right corner. Setting my bags under the bed, I sat on the bed. Its not bad... could be better, but for what it is, its decent. As I sit there, I lean against the wall and pull my note pad, but before I could write anything, someone walked up to me.

Jensen's POV
Some guy in purple dropped his bags. Thankfully some people decided to help him pick them up. But I just continued walking. In the dorm room, I quickly got a bed nearby a window and stretched. As I'm looking around, Mr. Nucle tells us "You have one hour to do whatever you want. EXCEPT for going into the girl's dorm room."

I chuckle a little as some of the guys in the room groan. I see someone dressed in red and black sitting against the wall so I might as well speak to him am I right? As I did, he looked up at me. "Um... hey!" I say to him, the guy take a second to respond, but eventually coughs out a "Hello" "Whatcha got there?" "A notepad, I use it to take notes obviously." "But we're not even training yet." "Training is everything in life."

I somewhat feel weirded out by this guy, I sit down on the bed in front of him and hold out my hand to him. "My name is Jensen, what's yours?" "Juno." I smile at him as he shook my hand. "Why did you decide to come here?" I asked, Juno paused for a moments. It seems like he's hesitant to answer.

Juno's POV
Should I tell him about my relations to the name "NightLock"? Maybe I'm overthinking it. No way he's part of that cult 10 years ago... I let out a sigh before turning towards the window. "Have you ever heard of the name NightLock?" I asked him. Jensen shook his head in response, I quickly explain what it was and where it came from before looking back at him. "So yeah, to put it shortly, I want to prove to myself that I'm worthy of this."

Jensen nods his head seemingly understanding what he just heard. I'm surprised he didn't call me an idiot for basically somewhat nerding out.

Xiumin's POV
Along the way to the dorms, I accidentally click my bag's button, unlocking the bolt and dropping most of my belongings. Thankfully nothing too important. Upon entering the dorm room, I immediately set down my bags before leaving shortly after to search for that hot pink chick.

As Xiumin left the dorms, Myrina had had the same idea to leave the dorm room in order to explore the academy. Xiumin was so focused on searching for this girl he had saw earlier that he never noticed Myrina walking past him and out through the building doors.

Myrina's POV
I had found a spot to sit underneath a small tree that sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking a valley. It was amazing! Should I go make new friends? Maybe... I would hate to have to graduate by myself. As these thoughts filled my head, I eventually laid back onto the soft grass of the soil. Looking into the sky, it was a bright blue as you may expect, not very cloudy, but enough to look aesthetically pleasing. As I continued to look upwards at the sky, someone's face filled my sight.

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