Episode 13: Animal

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Myrina's POV
I danced with Harper in the crowd of dancer, eventually moving on to my teammates as well, Juno, Jensen and Xiumin. I was having a blast. Forgetting the nightmare that had bothered me so much so on our way here. After the final song ended, I pulled away from Xiumin, "Let's have a drink." He says, I shake my head and politely decline before walking away. "Where are you going?" Jensen asks me as I walk past him, "I'm just going out for a walk." I tell him.

I step out into the cold darkness of the outside, looking up at the night sky, it was starry and beautiful, the moon was bright and blue. "Please! Someone!" I hear someone yelling. I turn around and see a man running to me, "Ah! NightHawk of NNBX! Please! You have to help me! My daughter has just been kidnapped!" I paused, "Kidnapped?! Take me where she was kidnapped!" I tell him, he points over the the center of the city, so I start running to it, my hand on the handle of my rapier.

Suddenly, my vision fades away into darkness as I feel a metallic rod hit the back of my head. I awoke tied to a chair in the cold dark room of a building. I wasn't near the city hall... there were no noises other than the footsteps of someone walking down the stairs.

The same man appeared from the darkness as he lit candles around the room. "NightHawk... I've seen you around the city. You're quite the looker." He says, I try to speak, but my mouth is taped shut. "Oh? Here, let me help you." He tells me, he walks over and gently pulls the tape off. "Who are you?" I ask, he smiles, "Samual Myers. But you'll be known as... my slave from now on." He said with a smirk.

"What are you planning to do to me?" "Oh the usual, first, I'll tease your body, then I'll play with it, and then... well, I'm sure you get the rest." "My team will be looking for me. You won't get that far." "Oh really now? I have my friends watching my back."

He began to gently rub my thighs as he smiles down at them. "They look tasty, mind if I have a bite?" He asks, "Back up!" I say, my hands slightly glow, but I was unable to summon anything. He then looks up at me and smirks, "Oh right, you won't be able to do anything. I bounded those ropes with anti-magic runes, never thought I had to use it, but I guess now was a better time than any."

He then went back to my thighs, he began to put his hands under my shorts as he streamed up and down. My voice began to crack as I begged him to stop. "Yes... thats it... beg for me to stop, I find it so attractive when it's unconsensual..." he then stood up and groped my breast. "St-stop..." I mutter, "Why should I? Your legs are shaking, tell me.. do you enjoy it when I do this?" He asked.

He then lifted my clothing revealing more. "Ah... the perfect size... most of the time they're either too big like a cow or there's none at all, but yours are perfect. I'm going to be keeping you for a while." He began to lick my bra and the top of my breast. "Mmm..." my voice slips from my mouth as the feeling begins to blank my mind.

"See? I told you that you'd like it." He says, he then began to undo his pants and pulled out his penis. "N-no..." I say turning my head away from it and closing my eyes. He grabs my head and plays with my hair for a while, I can smell it from where it is... it's disgusting.... He lets out a chuckle as he moves my head closer to it.

He then stops, "Gotcha, I'll first tease you like this." He said before pulling me out of the chair and tying me to the wall. "Your thighs..." he says as he grabs my ass with his two hands, "C'mon... tighten your thighs for me." He tells me. I refuse and turn away, he lets a sigh now and looks me in the eyes, "You leave me no choice NightHawk." He then closed his eyes for a moment before opening again, one of them is red, "Tighten your thighs." He says as his eye glows brighter. I feel my thighs tighten against my will.

Mind control magic?? Suddenly, I feel his penis insert between my thighs, just underneath my shorts and onto my skin. "No..." I mutter. He lets out moans of enjoyment as he grabs my ass tighter with one hand and my breast with another. "Moan for me NightHawk, I want to hear more of that cute voice of yours." He says as he gets close to my face.

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