Episode 4: Division

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The day began as normal, for the first 3 hours, each team would train with one another in 1v1 duels. Upon the 4th hour, a master would watch and train them around the 5th. We cut to the 6th hour of training where Myrina and her allies are fighting with the Grandmaster himself.

They all stood on the opposite sides of Portal, each with their weapons out ready to strike. Jensen charged first, raising his blades and slashing in an X formation. Portal steps to the side dodging the attack and kicks Jensen beside Xiumin who also jumps into the air and swings his sword towards him.

Portal easily catches the sword despite the weight of the blade. Juno and Myrina attempt to assist Xiumin by both rushing Portal from behind. Portal only twisted Xiumin around in front of the two of them. Myrina attempted to stop herself, but the momentum causes her to crash into Xiumin. Juno jumped into the air, swinging his sword quickly only to be blocked and kicked onto his back mid-air.

Portal overlooked the four of them and let out a disappointed sigh. "I was expecting more from each of you." He told them before walking away.

Xiumin's POV
I stood up and threw my sword onto my back sheathe before sitting on a bench as Myrina and the others began to stand as well. "Well that was shitty." I said. Juno began to clean his glasses as he leaned against a tree, Jensen then pointed towards me "You need to attack with a more strategic mindset!" He yelled, "I didn't see much strategy with you either." Juno commented. I began laughing as Juno then turned to me "But as Jensen said, neither did you." I stopped laughing as quickly as I started before standing up and walking towards them both quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry! It's not my fault I carry small ass weapons that would hardly do any damage to someone!" I say at the two of them. Juno began to smile, "Oh, and you use a weapon that has a bigger brain than yourself." "It doesn't even have a brain!" "Exactly idiot." "You're all bark and no bite Xiumin, and Juno, you should stop trying to attack solo." Jensen told us. "Will the three of you shut up!" Myrina then yelled.

Myrina's POV
"We're supposed to be a TEAM! T.E.A.M! Clearly we need more time together to find out more effective ways on taking out our opponents!" Juno let out a sigh and pushed himself off the tree before turning away, "You dumbasses can do whatever you want, I'm going for a walk." He said before walking into the forest. "Fine! Be that way! We don't need you anyway!" I remember yelling at him.

Jensen sighed and also walked away. I turned to Xiumin and sighed myself. "Are you going to leave now too?" I asked, he paused for a moment, "I'll be in the barracks cooling off." He replied before walking away.

Now I was alone... I walked to the academy's main building and sat in the library where other teams were talking with one another about how they've passed their master's tests. Why couldn't we work as well as other teams... should I request to transfer teams?

No... I need to work with mine, we were put together for a reason... I just... happened to lose my cool and now everyone is apart from one another. I just hope they'll work together better soon. How am I going to get us to get along...? Thats it!

Juno's POV
I sat at the edge of a small stream on a rock as I looked up at the sky. "Fucking amateurs..." I mutter, then again... I wasn't much for working with teams. My whole life, I've been working alone, apart from my sister from time to time... but... those days have passed, I suppose it is time to change. "Tsk..." I say as I stand up, placing my hands into my pockets. Walking down stream, I began to look down into the water flowing by. Sure... Xiumin, your sword is huge, but without much practice do you really think you can do damage?

Myrina is fast, her rapier is quick and light, she can be useful for hit and run attacks. I'm an all-rounder, Jensen seems to be an all-rounder as well... and Xiumin... he's tough, could be a heavy hitter, but we don't have a tank to cover us from any damage... how are we going to make this work...?

Jensen's POV
Juno left frustrated, as did I, but with some time to myself, I may be able to finally catch a breath. As I walked along one of the several paths around the academy, I watched as another team was training, they seemed to be sparring with one another. I turned away and continued down the path.

"Xiumin has a pretty big ego from what I've seen... and Juno doesn't like to work in teams much. We have the two types of people you wouldn't want working with you." I say to myself. It's going to be one hell of a ride to get them to work with us. I kinda feel bad for Myrina. How could I improve myself to better suit the team?

Xiumin's POV
Idiots... they're all idiots. I'm the strongest one here, and they think I don't fight smart? Sure they're fast, but in a straight 1v1 I'll destroy them all. Heck maybe I could do it in a 1v3! I place my sword into the table, despite its large and heavy weight, the table seems to hold it up quite fine.

I take a deep breath and sigh, "Shanny... what should I do with them?" I ask, the sword continues to stay seated as a bright light of the sun reflects off of it's shining steel blade and into the mirror which in turn, shines onto me. I look where the beam has hit, and pause. "I should... be myself?" I then ask. The beam of light had shot right into my chest and onto my heart.

How would being myself help? Juno and Jensen don't seem to like me all that much... Myrina... I don't know what she thinks, maybe I should just leave the academy and work under the royal military of Encarf. No... Shanny is telling me to be myself. I'll trust her. I lean back in the chair and place my hands behind my head and stretch. "Geez... maybe I'll just go take a nap..."

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