Myrina Lovelock Codename - "NightHawk"

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Born December 16, xxxx, an only child of two well known assassins. Myrina became fascinated by the work of her parents and vowed to herself that one day she would become just as strong as them.

However, this fascination would lead to the deaths of one of her parents. As the pair were leaving the house, Myrina snuck into their wagon with their supplies where after 3 days, they traveled to a remote location in a jungle where they would search for their mission objective.

Myrina would follow behind quietly, until they came across a large stone portal. "It requires a gem... please tell me you have it." Her mother would say, her father nodded his head before placing the gem into the empty slot beside the portal. The portal emitted a bright white shine as swirls of "liquid-like" waves spun.

Her mother and father would enter with Myrina running inside. Upon entering through the portal, they were greeted by a demon. His horns at the top of his head were estimated to be around 2 feet long, his weapon of choice was a large battle axe and he seemed to have been a mixture of a bull and horse.

"Ah... two assassins have come to join the others in my belly?" the demon asked. Myrina's mother smirked, "Let's get this over with." Her father nodded his head in agreement before the two of them would charge forward with Myrina watching from a stone pillar in the distance.

The demon raised his hand, swinging his axe downwards towards the pair, Myrina's father would jump into the air while her mother dashed to the side, each of them dodging the attack. As the axe crashed into the ground, it cause a small dust cloud to form.

The demon laughed before swinging again towards the mother who jumped into the air. As the demon turned towards her, he was struck in the back by a powerful strike from a sword. He turned to face his attacker, seeing Myrina's father. Myrina's parents charged together again from opposite sides, using their weapons to stab deeply into the demon's legs.

As he screamed, he summoned a rune under him, exploding the ground below and causing both of Myrina's parents to crash into stone pillars. "Are you okay love?" Her father would call over, however, her mother seemed to have been incapacitated.

Seeing this, Myrina would leave from her position and run to her mother's side screaming "Mother!" The demon turned to her and smiled "Ah... a young one... I always did like my humans young and tender." He said. Just then, Myrina's father jumped forward, raising his sword in an attempt to strike and distract the demon from Myrina. The demon then turned around, grabbing him and slamming him into the ground as blood splattered everywhere.

Her mother soon awoke and seeing the corpse of her husband, all intent was to escape with her now petrified daughter. After quickly realizing the situation, she grabbed Myrina by the hand and ran towards the portal. The demon laughed as he chased after them, Myrina's mother threw her into the portal before taking out a red gem and tossing it towards the demon. "Fuck you." She said before jumping into the portal.

The red gem clanked onto the floor before blow up. As Myrina and her mother landed in the jungle again, she turned to her mother who was facing the dirt. "M-mother...?" She would ask, her mother sighed before picking her up and making their way back to their home.

Once back home, her mother had simply locked herself in the masteroom where Myrina could hear painful cries and screams. From that moment, Myrina had promised to herself again that she would become an assassin to fight for those who cannot defend themselves.

After 10 years, Myrina would leave a note on the dining table telling her mother she would be going to attend the most elite academy in the kingdom of Encarf.

Myrina Lovelock
Codename - NightHawk
Hair color - Black/Brown
Eye color - Brown
Height - 5'4
Age - 17
Weapon of choice - Encarfian Rapier

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