Episode 12: Festival

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The day of the festival, NNBX separated across the city, they decided that before the festival that would start that night, they would upgrade and buy new gear.

Myrina's POV
As I stepped into the store, the clerk smiled at me, "What can I do for a pretty lady like you?" He asked, "I'm looking for a set of twin flintlocks, do you have any?" I ask him. The clerk nods his head, pulling out two golden flintlocks onto the counter. "They're custom made by someone who came earlier this week, told me they're meant for close quarters and rushing." As I looked at the flintlocks, I noticed they had four barrels in a form of a cross. "How much do you want it for?" I asked, the clerk thinks for a moment before smiling, "I'd say about eighty?" He suggested. I nod my head, paying the amount and taking the flintlocks. "I have holsters for them as well." He said handing me the holsters. I thanked him and left.

Juno's POV
I entered the store and picked up a silver flintlock, it seemed to be good quality, as I walk over to the clerk, he looks at me, "How much for this?" I ask, "Thirty." He tells me. I hand him the money and take the flintlock into my holster. "Anything else for you?" He then asks, I pause, thinking for a moment. "Are you able to enhance any weapons?" I ask him, "I have a friend who can." He replied. I smiled and nod my head, "Where are they?" I then ask.

Jensen's POV
I asked for directions to one of the best blacksmiths in the city, in doing so, I did find her. Yes her. She was a small woman, but one who I could instantly tell had a knack for smithing. "Can I help you sir?" She asked me as I entered her forge. "I need my blades upgraded." I told her showing her my arm blades. She became interested and smiled at me. "Anything else you would like?" She then asked, "The bracers attached to the blades are uncomfortable, would you mind making them a little more so?" "Of course!" She told me before taking them and beginning her work.

As I'm laying against the wall waiting, Juno enters the forge. "Fancy seeing you here." He says, I smiled, putting my mask onto my belt and. "So you're here for weapon upgrades too?" I ask him, he nods his head, "Right. I wanted to enhance my Cuttoe ability to use my shadow magic." He tells me. "Well, I'm sure you came to the right person, she's pretty good at what she does." I tell him. Juno gives me a smirk, "Really now?" I punch his shoulder, "Not like that idiot."

Xiumin's POV
Myrina sent us to upgrade our equipment, but I feel as if mine is fine the way it is. So, I'm spending my time in the "Service Tavern" as they call it here. I'm loving it, the girls here are sexy and dancing along poles attached to the ceiling and dressed almost nudely.

"Can I do something for you handsome?" One of the younger girls say, I give her a smirk, "Maybe." I reply. She lets out an adorable giggle before taking my hand, "Let me get you a drink, maybe I can give you more than just that." By now, I'm thinking I might just stay in this city. We sit down in a booth, the girl shuts the blinds and hands me a drink, "What drink is it?" I ask her, she winks at me and puts her finger over her lips, "Thats a secret." She whispers seductively.

She and I drink, its sweet... also bitter however, its a weird taste, almost like ale or wine. She then places her drink on the table and pulls out a piece of candy, unwrapping it and placing it onto the tip of her tongue. "Would you like to share?" She asked me, I smirk at her, "With pleasure." I replied as she begins to move closer to my face.

Our lips interlock while our tongues are introducing one another. The taste is sweet, and her scent is like a cherry blossom. Our tongues move the piece of candy back and forth between our mouths as she puts her arms around my neck. I also begin to rub my hands onto her ass. She may be a little bit older than I am, but I'm loving this.

Myrina, Juno and Jensen eventually meet together at the center of the city, they began to explain their newly bought equipment and upgrades until realizing Xiumin's absence.

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