Episode 14: Captain Kel

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That morning, Jensen and Xiumin waited outside the tavern as Myrina and Juno walked up to them. "Where were you two? You had us worried sick!" Jensen said, Juno smiled at him, "Don't worry we were fine. We just had to find shelter from the rain last night." He replied. Xiumin turned to Myrina, "Are you alright?" He asked her, she paused for a moment before Juno turned to him, "We'll explain it when we get on the road."

Juno's POV
"WHAT? You were nearly raped!?" Xiumin exclaims, I turned to the open space between the seats and the inside of the wagon, "Quiet down Xiumin, last thing we want now is to be attacked by bandits!" I said. Jensen nods his head, "He's right. The governor said that bandits are a common nuisance on this path." The day continued without any incidents, night fell and we set up camp by the road. Myrina wasn't comfortable sleeping alone so we decided to just sleep in our sleeping bags for tonight around the fire.

That night, I awoke and as I turned, I saw Myrina sitting on a log staring at the sky. I got up and brushed myself off before walking to her. "Having trouble sleeping?" I ask sitting beside her. She shakes her head, "No..." she sounds sad, I can feel the sadness coming from her. "Are you okay?" I then ask, she shakes her head again, "Juno...?" "Hm?" "What would you do if I just... ran away right now?"

I didn't know what to say, I paused for a moment. Of course I wouldn't want her to leave. I look up at the night sky and sigh, "If you leave..." I begin to say.

Myrina's POV
The two of us looked at one another, he smiled at me, "I'll have to hunt you down." He told me. I couldn't help but smile as well. He turns his head back to the sky, "Seriously, if you were to leave. I have no idea what we'd do without our leader." He then says. "What happens after we finish our mission?" I ask him, "Do we keep working? Or do we go back to being civilians?" He paused before closing his eyes, still looking at the sky.

With his eyes still closed, he smiled, "It's going to be a while till we get to that point. Let's just focus on the present." I nod my head in agreement. "Someone told me at before." He then said. I notice he's looking at the ground now. His hands tighten onto one another as his voice becomes slightly more agitated. "Let's not worry about that right now and live in the moment." He says, "Turned out I wouldn't have seen the thing we promised."

I grew confused, "What was it?" I ask him, he looks at me again with a smile, "Something." He replied.

A few days have passed since then. NNBX has entered a town only 3 miles away from Azrael's empire. They entered a bar and sat at a table in the corner of the bar. As they began to plan their next course of actions, there was a figure a table away drinking a cup of rum.

Jensen's POV
"So how are we going to do this?" His palace is guard by soldiers 24/7. He has a navy and we don't." Juno says, Xiumin and I look at each other as Myrina points to the harbor, "We'll set fire to a few of the ships, after doing so, we'll sneak in while the guards are occupied with the fire. Find Azrael, and kill him." She tells us.

Juno shakes his head, "We need to take in account that Azrael also has soldiers in his palace." "Well who else has a plan? The navy will tear us to shreds!" I say. Just then, we hear a voice from behind us. "Maybe I can help." As we turn around, we see a man dressed in a brown coat walking towards us. "Who are you?" Xiumin asks, the man smiles, "Captain Kel, pleasure to meet you." He holds out his hand, I shake it first, followed by Juno and Xiumin.

"How will you help?" Xiumin then asks, I hit his arm, "He said 'captain' so that means he must have a ship! Unless he's talking about military rank." I say. Kel nods his head, "Aye, I have a ship. She's the fastest in the sea! Come come." He said before walking out of the bar.

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