Jensen Ryu Lee Codename - "BloodMoon"

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Born May 14, xxxx to a poor but loving family of farmers, he told them of his dream to becoming an explorer to which they would greatly encourage him. During his time on the farm, he would commonly practice mathematics and geometry on sheets of papers and every so often would practice sparring with their scarecrow in the field.

*At age 16*
Jensen was practicing his mathematics one day, when he heard his father speaking with someone. He snuck over and realized it was the royal tax collector for Encarf. "You've yet to pay for your land." He said. Jensen's father shook his head, "We paid it all off twenty years ago. You can't just come here and say we haven't paid!"

The tax collector let out a sigh, "In fact old man... I can." He replied. Jensen stepped back and made his way to his house where his siblings and mother were sitting at the dining table. "Jensen, is your father out there?" His mother asked. Jensen nodded his head, "He's talking with the tax collector." He would say.

His mother sighed, "Them again? Geez why can't they just leave us alone?" She complained. Jensen's brother Matthew let out a chuckle "Maybe they want you?" He joked, his sister Amy laughed along with the joke. Their mother laughed as well, "Well, I was always the best looking women in my time."

"You still are." Their father said walking through the front door. Every turned to him and their mother smiled, "What did they want this time honey?" She asked him, he only sighed and sat down beside Amy. "They wanted us to continue to buy the land again otherwise they'll take it and use it for a military base or an expansion of the main city" he replied.

"That's stupid!" Amy commented, "We're a good Thirty miles from the city!" Their father nodded in agreement. "Right, but then again its  the ROYAL tax collector... theres not much we can do." He replied with regret. Jensen shook his head, "Yes there is. I'll go to the academy and be back as soon as I get enough earnings to pay us off for life!" He said.

Amy shook her head, "You said you wanted to be an explorer." "Well when it comes to a family matter, all that matters is doing what is right for us." Matthew smiled, "I support you Jensen." He said "As do I." His mother also said. The two of them looked over to Amy and his father.

Amy let out a sigh before chuckling. "Alright. I believe in you." She told him. His father paused for a few moments before also smiling. "Although I would rather have you stay here, I don't think I can stop you." He said. Jensen smiled and that night he packed his gear.

The next morning, he and his family gathered outside their front yard where they said their goodbyes. "Be safe okay?" His mother asked, Jensen nodded his head, "I promise I will." He told them. He then turned away and with a deep breath, followed the trail towards the city... a thirty mile walk.

Jensen Ryu Lee
Codename - "BloodMoon"
Hair color - Black
Eye color - Grey
Height - 5'8
Age - 16
Weapon of choice - Custom twin arm blades

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