Juno Mentic Codename - "NightLock"

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Born January 23, xxxx as a boy, Juno would study the history of the kingdoms around the world as well as his own family history. His mother was the current holder of the "NightLock" name which had been passed down from generation to generation ever since Juno's great great grandfather.

One day, while he was out in the market, he was suddenly abducted by a cult who had planned on using him as a sacrifice. He was tortured, and starved for 3 days until he learned about his mother's death by the hands of the same cult.

In a cage, there was hardly any hope of escape, until he received help from his sister Emma. She had snuck into the building and broke him out after killing the key holder. Together they snuck out to the rooftops. "Do you have a plan on leaving?" Juno asked, Emma smirked, "Nope. I didn't think this would've worked." She replied before quietly leaving.

They would find their way to the harbor of the building, Emma silently eliminated a cult guard before handing Juno his dagger. "Use it if you have to." She told him before looking around. They continued on their way, dodging guards, avoiding lights, until they finally managed to reach one of the ships docked in the harbor.

After waiting a couple of hours, the ship launched to a nearby city where Emma and Juno silently snuck off and into the darkness. They would spend the next 10 years hidden in the city, living in a tavern close to the main city gates. Emma would constantly train Juno with wooden swords she acquired from a dojo a few blocks down until he proved himself to being a better fighter than before.

As they ate their evening meal, Emma turned to Juno. "You're what? 16 now?" Juno nodded his head as he ate, "Why?" He would ask back. Emma paused for a moment, staring at her food before looking into her brother's eyes. "I don't want to be the next NightLock." She said. Juno looked stunned, "Why not?" He asked concerned.

Emma let out a sigh and turned away again. "I want to be my own person... make my own name..." she replied. Juno also turned away before leaning back into his chair. "Someone needs to take on the name of NightLock." Emma told him as she placed her hand into his.

The looked at one another for a while, Emma smiled at him and nodded, Juno took a deep breath and nodded back. That night, while Juno was sitting on the balcony of their room, Emma stepped out and say with him. "What's wrong Juno?" She asked, he didn't reply for a moment until he looked at the moon. "Do you really think I'm ready to be called the next NightLock?" Emma thought to herself before slapping his back.

"Maybe not right now. But we've trained for a while, I have an idea actually... go to the training academy in Encarf, its the best of the best and they say if you're lucky, you're given 10 out of 10 training guides in less than a year and could graduate in just a year." She told him. Juno nodded his head slowly before smiling. "I'll do it." He told her. Emma rubbed his head and hugged him, "That's my little brother." She said softly.

The next morning, Emma waved Juno goodbye as he took a ship destined to dock in the harbors of Encarf. As he turned around and faced the open sea, he took a deep breath and sighed. "Am I really worthy...?" He asked himself.

Juno Mentic
Codename - "NightLock"
Hair color - Black
Eye color - Brown
Height - 5'7
Age - 16
Weapon of choice - Aciremian Cuttoe

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