I crept up slowly behind her, leaning my mouth towards her ear before whispering.

"Busy, are we?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Sergio!" She exclaimed as she jumped off the couch with her hand on her chest.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I said as I raised both my hands, a sneaky smile on my face.

"Liar." She scoffed though she couldn't hide the little smile on her face.

This was what I lived for these days - seeing her smile. Because those moments were too far and few in between. I missed those times when she'd smile and laugh freely - even more so when that laugh would be for me. But it was okay. I was learning slowly but steadily that Gianna wasn't the same girl that had left Italy with a broken heart. Hell, none of us were the same people we were three years ago. We'd all grown up. It's just that some of us were more broken than the others. Hopefully though, I'd be able to change that with time - if only Gianna wasn't so adamant on not letting me in.

"We can change that. I'm ready when you are. To tell you the truth. You know it in your heart as well as I do that what went down three years ago wasn't the full story."

"Not right now, Sergio."

"Fine. But when we come back, we're going to talk." I said stubbornly, putting my foot down finally.

I was done delaying this conversation. After Gianna heard me out, I'd accept whatever she had to say to me - whether it was leaving me for good or not. Actually, scratch that. I wasn't going to give up on her so easily. Even if I had to move the heavens for her to accept the fact that I still loved her, I would do that. Fuck, I'd hang up the moon and stars for her if she asked me to.

Gianna simply rolled her eyes in response before getting up and dusting the lint off her skirt. I could physically sense the moment she slipped into her lawyer facade as that cold, impenetrable wall slid right back up.

"It's almost time. We should head out now."

With a nod of my head, the both of us moved to the main floor of the building before slipping into the tinted car that Alessandro had kept waiting for us. I gave him the directions to the courthouse as the next twenty minutes of the car ride were spent in silence. For some reason, I didn't feel nervous because I knew that Gianna had my case in the bag - even if this was only the first hearing.

The moment our car came into view right outside the court, several reporters swamped around the moving vehicle as Alessandro fought to drive through the crowd. Thankfully, the court had hired professional security to ward off the nosy journalists seeing how high profile this particular case was. It wasn't everyday that you saw an Italian mobster being dragged to court by his own family.

The gates closed behind us as we exited the car, Gianna leading us towards the entrance of the courthouse.

"Mr Agosta, what do you have to say about your mother? She has accused -

"Mr Sergio Agosta, billionaire by day and murderer in cold blood by night."

"Miss Ricci, why did you take up this case when you know it's going to be the downfall of the firm?"

These people were relentless with their questions as their voices were heard even through closed doors. I spared a glance at Gianna, but surprisingly, she seemed unfazed by all the attention unlike the first time.

"We're early." She stated the obvious fact as we took a seat on the left side of the jury.

Luca was already standing in the aisle, waiting for us with a grin and making me wonder just what kind of vehicle he drove in order to get here before us when he supposedly was going to be late.

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