Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Don't even think about it. One word to any of the authorities, and I'll make sure that there's a bullet in your head." I threatened before I slammed the door shut in her face and started the engine.

I had never threatened a woman until now but unfortunately, the situation deemed it necessary. I couldn't have some arrogant woman tattling off to the police - it wasn't worth the hassle, really.

My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I swerved to the right, deciding to change tactics and take a different route back to my place in case anyone was watching and waiting for me to drive by my usual route. My mind was a clusterfuck of thoughts as I tried to calm myself down for Gianna's sake. Out of habit, I reached out my hand towards Gianna, resting it lightly on her knee. The fact that she didn't even flinch or slap it away told me how out of it she was.

"Now what?" She managed to ask after a few minutes of the lingering silence. "What happens now?"

"I don't know." I muttered as I fought the urge to run a hand through my hair. "This was...unexpected. I didn't think they'd strike back at you so soon."

"Do you think it's the same person who dropped the threatening note yesterday?"

"Maybe." I replied as I took a left and headed for the lane which would cut right behind my building where I had private access to an elevator that we could take.

"There's more to it." I admitted as my gaze swerved left and right, my senses prickling with unease. "We'd gotten some messages back -

My sentence was cut off abruptly as a single shot was fired right at the rearview mirror. The mirror exploded into pieces as Gianna let out a scream. My instincts immediately took over as I pressed on the gas and propelled us faster.

"Get down and cover your head, Gianna!" I roared as another bullet whizzed by, denting the bulletproof glass.

"Cazzo!" I cursed as I took a swift turn, hoping that I could outrun the black SUV that was currently gaining on us.

Rolling down my window, I pulled out my gun and fired with one hand without looking back as I made sure that Gianna was still tucked down.

"Don't move." I warned, hoping that she could hear me over the roar of the engine.

Several gunshots were aimed towards our car as I changed direction and drove headfirst into traffic. People beeped and cursed at me as I cut through the lanes, driving at the maximum speed limit. My breaths were coming out faster as I peered behind me, a slight sense of relief inflating my lungs as I saw that the SUV wasn't in sight anymore. But I couldn't relax. Not until we reached home in one piece.

"Shit." I muttered as I narrowly avoided running over an old woman and her dog in my haste as she waved her cane at me.

Driving around the circle and passing by King's College, I managed to make my way back to the familiar lane which housed my building, feeling a sense of trepidation. That had been far too easy. Whoever it was that had been shooting us had only taken wide shots meant to make us falter and not actually kill us. But why? It was clear that this person had an agenda to get me - us now - killed. So why delay it? Or was there something else in play? Something much, much, much more worse.

"What the fuck just happened?" Gianna questioned as she rose up from her seat, her hair a mess and her fingers still gripping the corner of the seat as they turned white.

"Someone shot at us. That's what happened."

"Thanks Captain Obvious. That was supposed to be a rhetorical question, by the way." Gianna snarked as I held back a sigh.

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