Law school was no better, truth be told. Ever since I'd called out Amanda and Brittany for almost drugging me, they had made it their personal mission to make my life and those three years in law school complete hell. How they had managed to turn every single one of my peers against me was beyond me. All of them except Alex, that is. That fucker was probably the only person who'd stayed the same. Not that it had helped me. He was still the same creepy guy to me.

Sighing, I leaned my head against the pole as my eyes closed against their own accord. God, I needed some sleep. And some greasy food too, preferably. I had started a very specific diet ever since I'd gone to the doctor's last month. I had been following it diligently, hoping that it would have a positive effect - hence the reason why I was staying away from alcohol as well.

The announcement snapped me out of my trance as I shook my head and stood up. As I was waiting for the doors to open up, my eyes unwillingly flitted to a lady that was reading the local newspaper. On the front page and in bold, Sergio's name and face was printed with the details of what had happened - something I had thoroughly researched on the night before, but I would never admit that. Apparently, he was a semi famous criminal in Europe now. His name had spread like wildfire overnight, causing everybody to whisper about the latest case connected to the mafia. It had been years since a case connected to the underworld had popped up since the mafia had been dormant uptil now , hence it was understandable that there would be a lot of talk in the country.

I took in a deep breath, realising that I wouldn't be escaping this man - at least not any time soon. I guess I'd just have to suck it up and put on my big girl panties. It's not like I was going to see him again. I was in London and he was still in Italy. I think. The chances of us seeing each other again were slim. Besides even if he did happen to pop up here - which was impossible, by the way since the man had made it clear that he didn't give a shit about me and that I was just another notch in his bedpost - I'd simply ignore him. As if we were strangers.

Ah fuck it. Who was I kidding? If I ever saw the devil - my devil - again, I'd probably run from there, go home and drown myself in a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. With that reassurance in my mind, I stepped out before doing my usual three minute walk to my office from the tube station.

The familiar building with Pearson & Associates written on top came into view as James, the security at the door, greeted me.

"And how are ye doin' today, Miss Ricci?" He asked me with his usual Scottish accent.

"I'm doing well, thank you James. How about you? How's Lily doing?" I asked, referring to his wife.

"Ah she's doing alright. The same, the same."

"That's great to hear. You take care of yourself alright?"

With a pat on his wrinkled hand, he nodded at me as I sent him a warm smile. In the first month or so, ever since I'd started working here, I'd always spent lunch time down here with James. I had instantly warmed up to him, thanks to his booming voice and never ending stories about his days in Scotland, before he'd migrated to the UK with his wife. I'd found a kinship with him. A sort of father figure. Since James and Lily didn't have any children of their own, I often found myself being invited to their lovely house for supper. I always cherished those moments, because those kind of moments were very far and few in between.

For some odd reason, whenever I saw an older person - more specifically, an older woman - my mind always strayed to Nonna. Just thinking of that woman sent a pang straight to my heart. In a place where I'd practically been a prisoner, she and Luca had been the only ones who had treated me with nothing but kindness right from the beginning. God, I really missed her. I wonder how she was doing? How had she reacted when I'd left without letting her know? To be fair though, a car had literally been waiting for me in front of the porch when I'd left - as if everything was almost planned - hence, I'd never gotten the chance to even say goodbye to her. If there was one thing I regretted not doing, then it was seeing Nonna for one last time.

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