S1 Chapter 23: Emerald Anniversary

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Nelson walked over to something under a tarp.

Nelson: What's under there?

Store owner: You have exquisite taste, sir. This item was acquired recently and it's truly one of a kind.

The owner took off the tarp and it turned out to be the purple Chaos Emerald and everyone gasped as it shined brightly.

Nelson: It's a perfect gift. That's it! Lindsey is simply wild about jewelry. How long will it take you to have the ring ready?

Store owner: But, isn't that gem a tad bit large for a ring?

Nelson: My wife definitely likes flashy jewelry. It's our wedding anniversary, and I want to get her something special. I can't wait to see Lindsey's face when I slip it on her finger. Her birthday is coming up, I'll tell you what. Give me a couple of diamonds too.

Store owner: Uh-huh, sure.

Y/n: Wow, he's not only a sissy, he's crazy too.

After a few minutes Nelson walked out of the store with a ring box.

Store owners: Thank you very much, Mr. Thorndyke. Please feel free to stop by at our store anytime.

As Nelson walked back to his car the three agents looked at each other, nodded, and got away from the crowd to talk.

Topaz: That was a Chaos Emerald, right?

Rouge: It was. We're gonna need a plan to get it from that Nelson.

Y/n: He'll probably invite Chris to come when he gives that emerald to his retarded wife and Chris will invite me and the others, that's when I'll get a chance to take it. I'll call you two and tell you where I'm going, then you two stay out of sight and serve as my backup.

Topaz: How are you so good at planning?

Y/n: I'll get back and set things up on my end, you two wait for the call.

All three of them nodded at each other and Y/n ran back to the Thorndyke's.

Rouge: That light blue boo of mine certainly is something.

The phone was ringing at the Thorndyke residence and Mr. Tanaka picked it up.

Mr. Tanaka: Hello, this is the Thorndyke Residence.

Nelson was on the other line.

Nelson: Hello, Tanaka, how's everything going at home?

Mr. Tanaka: Everyone is doing very well here, Mr. Thorndyke.

Chris, Amy, Tails, Cream and Cheese went down stairs to see Mr. Tanaka on the phone.

Mr. Tanaka: Mr. Chris, I have Mr. Thorndyke on the line for you.

Chris: Oh, cool.

Tails: Hold on, I thought Chuck was here?

Amy: He is.

Chris took the phone from Mr. Tanaka.

Chris: Thank you. Hey there! How is it going, Dad? Are you calling from the office or are you traveling?

Amy: Chris's father is the Mr. Thorndyke on the phone. If it was Chuck, he'd say, "Hello, Grandpa."

Mr.: Right, it is Mr. Nelson Thorndyke.

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