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I got the call at 7:36 p

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I got the call at 7:36 p.m.

I was in my office, finishing up some paperwork from a case a few weeks back. The phone rang and I already knew who it was. I was expecting the call. It was time to tell the team. They had stayed late, waiting for me to hear the news.

I get up from the chair and cross my office to the door. I always leave it open, so I walk straight through. I walk to the middle of the walkway and stop, placing my hands on the rails. The team must have heard me leave my office, all of their heads look up at me, all with a grim look on their face. They knew today was the day, they just didn't know when.

I look to my left and see Garcia sitting next to Reid, probably for his comfort and hers. She looks at me and I can already tell she's been crying. Obviously we were all shocked with what happened with Ivy, but Garcia seemed the most surprised. She always likes to see the good in people, so I saw that coming.

I look over a little farther and see Rossi coming out of his office as well, looking at me with the same grim expression.

"Well?" He asked, a bit hesitantly.

I contemplate my choice of words. I don't want to sound like I don't care, or insensitive. Obviously there are things I can't tell them but I don't want it to sound like I'm keeping something from them.


I turn my head a little to the right to see Garcia looking at me, giving her self a little hug.

"Is she...?"

All I do is nod. I figure it was better I just don't say anything at all. I can feel the energy shift in the bullpen, and everyone looks a bit defeated. I can see Luke make a cross on his body, then kiss a small cross on around his neck. Garcia is crying, but trying not to show it. She's completely silent, but even from here I can see the tears in her eyes.

For the first time in a long time, I can't read what Spencer is feeling. He looks emotionless, and is consoling Garcia. He seems to be in a trance, staring at his lap. I want to talk to him, I do, but I know anything I could say would just make it worse. He was just told the woman he loves is dead. There's not much to say after something like that.

I cant stand to look at the reactions of the team, it's only making me feel worse than I already do. I start my way towards Rossi, who looks equally as upset as everyone else.

"How are you doing, Rossi?"

He shoves his hands in his pockets, "I'm fine Emily, it's Spencer I'm worried about." He moves his head in the direction of Reid.

The Unknown Subject  [Spencer Reid x OC]Where stories live. Discover now