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Having a child was a lot harder than Ivy thought

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Having a child was a lot harder than Ivy thought. Don't get her wrong, she adored Finn, and was so grateful he was back in her life. However, they'd been reunited for two weeks now, and his true personality was starting to come through. Finn was probably the most stubborn child Ivy had ever met. Which is mostly her fault because she herself was incredibly stubborn. For example, at dinner, he would refuse to eat his vegetables, claiming they were 'gross' and 'an abomination', a word Ivy had zero idea how he learned.

For being only three years old, he was incredibly bright. He knew the alphabet, could count to 15, and always brought his dinner plate to the sink. His brilliance was the one thing Ivy was sure he didn't get from her. I mean, come on, Ivy was a serial killer who walked into the FBI building several times a week and was in a relationship with an agent assigned to put her in jail, how much more stupid can you get?

Ivy had also learned that Finn had a favourite T.V. show already, The Backyardigans. It was about these friends, who all happened to be different animals, who had wild imaginations, and would travel to space or the wild west. Ivy knew it was meant for children, yet she would unconsciously find herself humming the opening song to herself at random points in the day, something Finn quickly picked up on and teased her about.

Now was one of those times.

They had just finished breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast, the only food Ivy knew how to make other than cereal. Finn had waddled the short distance to the sink where Ivy stood, and reached up as far as he could to hand her his empty plate. Ivy smiled and took it from him, tussling his hair with her free hand, "Thank you, my love. Do you want to watch some t.v. while I do the dishes?"

The toddler nodded, baring a crooked smile, "Yes please."

Ivy gestured for him to go sit on the couch, "You can watch an episode or two, then we're going to take a break, so the T.V. doesn't hurt your eyes."

His smile faltered for a second, but returned just as fast, "Can we play barbie after?"

She smiled, placing the plate in the sink before bending down and placing a kiss on his golden curls, "Of course."

Finn laughed, and then walked to the couch, muttering a soft 'yes' as he did. When he was seated, Ivy turned on the T.V. and put onThe Backyardigans. She placed the remote back down and turned on the sink, letting the water heat up before rinsing both of their dishes. As she was loading them into the dishwasher, the theme song started, and just like always, she absentmindedly hummed along to the tune.

Ivy shut the door and started the dishwasher, then heard her son giggling from the couch.

She smirked and leaned her hands on the counter, "And what's so funny over there?"

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