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What is Spencer doing to me?

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What is Spencer doing to me?

That's all Ivy had been thinking about for the past week, ever since they had finally kissed, amongst other things. However, that wasn't the only time they'd been together that week. It happened once more, a couple days after Rossi's party, and it was just as good as the first time. Ivy was never the type to dwell on labels, but she was so fucking confused. Yeah, they'd slept together twice, and were definitely going to again, but neither of them had mentioned actual feelings. As much as Ivy hated being that person, she had to know if Spencer actually liked her, or was just interested in getting in her pants.

Unfortunately though, before Ivy got a chance to talk to him, Spencer and the team were called on a case, and they've been in Oregon for the past five days. They talked everyday, but the talk they needed to have was more of an in-person conversation. So, when Spencer was too busy to talk, Ivy was either binge watching T.V. or searching for more victims, which was more difficult then she anticipated.

She had been looking for a victim since Spencer left, and she still hadn't found anyone worth killing. Sure she'd passed a few creeps and cat callers, but no one who quite deserved what Ivy was planning on doing. However, on that Friday afternoon, she finally found a suitable victim. She was a lovely girl by the name of Donna, who, from Ivy's thorough research, was a raging alcoholic with two children, who often wore purple bruises on their arms and faces. Since Ivy wasn't an idiot she put two and two together, and started digging a little deeper into Donna's personal details.

After about another hour or so of looking, Ivy had all the information she needed. Donna lived in Washington D.C. and owned a black 2011 Ford. She was 32, the same age as Ivy, and had two young children, an 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter, both of which took frequent visits to the E.R. with bruises and broken bones. Clearly injuries from abuse. Repeated abuse.

In Ivy's research, she found not only was Donna an alcoholic, but a drug user as well. If she was being honest, Ivy didn't care about the alcohol or the drugs, she herself enjoyed a drink or two, and had dabbled in the use of marijuana. It was the blatant child abuse she was angry about. Since Donna was a drug user, Ivy had though of the perfect ruse.

Ivy had found Donna's Instagram and decided to send her a message, one to lure her to a vacant building.

Hey, I know you don't know me but I have some extra weed if you want it.

It wasn't even ten seconds before the girl responded.


"That was easy." Ivy muttered to herself.

There's a vacant building on fifth and second. Meet me there in an hour.


The drive to the building was relatively short, so Ivy had some time to get ready. She set her phone on the table and walked to her room, pulling off her hoodie as she walked. When she got there, she tossed her sweater into the hamper, leaving her in a black bra, and some grey sweatpants. Ivy stepped over to her dresser and opened one of the drawers, rummaging through until she found a black tank top at the bottom. She took it out and shut the door, pulling the tight black fabric over her head and draping it over her body. She then crouched lower, pulling open another drawer and grabbing one of her many pairs of black jeans. Ivy replaced her sweats with the jeans and walked to her closet, kneeling near the bottom and grabbing a pair of black heeled boots, slipping those on as well. When her boots were on, she walked back over to her dresser, bending down and feeling underneath it until she found the familiar notch in the wood. She pressed the button and her dagger compartment popped open, revealing the several knifes still inside. Ivy picked one at random and closed the compartment again, grabbing the thigh strap from the top of her dresser and strapping it on her leg, sliding the blade inside.

The Unknown Subject  [Spencer Reid x OC]Where stories live. Discover now