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The entire car ride to the prison hospital was dead silent

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The entire car ride to the prison hospital was dead silent.

I'm not sure if Rossi and Emily just didn't want to talk, or if they were too scared to say something in case it would set me off. Either way, I definitely didn't feel like talking, so I was pleased with the silence. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the prison, and another fifteen to get through security and walk to the hospital wing. I've been in loads of prisons before, and with each time they seem to get more depressing.

The walls are all this muted white colour, with chips of paint flaking off at the corners. Not to mention the stains of god knows what that are left behind. Walking through the hallway of the hospital feels so eerie. For the most part it's empty, but I spotted a few odd prisoners here and there, each one looking worse than the last. The floors creak under the weight of your foot and on occasion on the way there, a drip of something would fall from the ceiling.

After what felt like eternity the four of us, Rossi, Emily and I plus a security escort, reach a door at the very end of the hallway. It's obvious to me that It's way more heavily secured than the other doors we've passed, and I think it's safe to assume it's where they keep the violent prisoners here for injuries. The guard passes his access card over the reader on the left side and the door screeches, squealing a bit as it slides open. The four of us continue down the hallway, which is just more glass rooms with guards posted at every door. Now being inside, it's clear why the door was as secure as it was.

There are only about three other inmates in here. The first one we pass is high out of her mind, bossing the poor nurses around like they are her maids or something. She has an arm cast on and has her right foot in a sling from the ceiling. My guess? She tried climbing over one of the walls outside but fell back.

The second one is currently being restrained by maybe two or three nurses plus a few security guards. She's biting and scratching as one of the nurses is trying to sedate her. If I'm being honest I don't really want to know what's wrong with her, so I follow the group and move on.

The last one in this room is knocked out cold. From drugs or being in a fight I couldn't say, but it was obvious someone laid into her a few times. Her head is wrapped in a white bandage that's slightly red is in colour near the back. Her face almost looks like a balloon with the way it's puffed up. Her arms are bruised and I can assume the rest of her body is as well. Out of the three inmates we saw, I place my bets on this girl being the one Ivy fought with.

I didn't get much of a chance to further analyze before the guard opened a final door at the end of the room, which was detached from the room with the three other inmates. We pass through the last door and it shuts almost immediately behind us. To the right is a single room with a single bed, separated from the hallway we're in by a glass wall, probably bulletproof for our safety. In the bed is a woman with long blonde hair, matted in a few places, about average heigh, maybe a bit taller. Her eyes caught mine as I analyzed her condition, and she gave me a weak smile. It was definitely Ivy.

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