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Fuck this, she thought

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Fuck this, she thought.

She took her hands off the wheel and grabbed her phone off the passengers seat, turning it on and immediately opening her contacts. She stared at the new number for a second, but ultimately pressed it and held the phone to her ear. After the third ring, the person on the other end picked up.

Their voice was low and hoarse, like they were exhausted, "Hello?"

"Spencer, hi."

"Hey Ivy, what's up?"

Ivy fell back in her seat, her free hand running through her hair, "I've had a rough night."

There was a short pause on the other end.

"Me too."

"Are you back in Virginia?"

He sighed a little, "Yeah, I just got back to my apartment."

"How did the case go?"



"It was frustrating." He started, letting out a low breath, "I don't think I'll sleep much."

"Me neither." She replied honestly, then cautiously continued, "I think we could both use a distraction."

There was quiet on the other end, but it didn't last long.

"Come over." Spencer stated, his tone even and bold.

Ivy sat up straighter, "Now?"


She nodded to herself, "I'm on my way."

She hung up, and placed her phone back on the passengers seat, buckling herself in and turning the car on, putting it into gear and pulling out of the large parking lot. From there she began the relatively long drive to Spencer's apartment, grateful the streets were fairly clear. Like the drive there, the way back took about 25 minutes. Spencer's apartment was closer to the building than hers. She pulled into the parking complex and shut her car off, shoving her phone and keys into her coat pocket and going to leave. Halfway out she realized the used dagger was still strapped to her thigh. Thankful she caught it in time, she unstrapped the holster from her leg and threw it and the knife into the glove compartment, out of sight. Ivy got out of the car and locked it behind her, trying to walk as calm as possible to the staircase.

She climbed the steps and after a minute or two, she got to the top, swerving right and walking right up to Spencer's apartment. She didn't hesitate before landing three sharp knocks on the door. There were light footsteps and the sound of the chain being removed before the door pulled open, displaying Spencer on the other side. His hair was a curly mess, and his eyes were dark like the slight bags under his eyes. His shirt was already half unbuttoned and his belt was undone around his hips.

The Unknown Subject  [Spencer Reid x OC]Where stories live. Discover now