Security opened one last door into the room and ushered us through, closing it behind us and taking his post outside, I assume to give us a small bit of privacy. Me, Rossi and Emily make our way to the bed, Dave and Emily taking the left side and me taking the right.

As we take out places in either side a soft chuckle comes from Ivy, "I didn't think you guys were going to come."

Her hands are in her lap, intertwined, and her gaze is rested on them, not daring to look us in the face.

Emily cleared her throat, "The warden gave me a call." She stated, trying to make eye contact with her, "She said you were the one who started it."

At that, Ivy looked up from her lap and looked at Emily, "I did."

"Why?" Rossi chimed in, "All you did was dig a deeper hole for yourself to fall into."

"I didn't have a choice." She reasons, looking at all of us, "You weren't there."

"No, we weren't" Emily responded, "So how about you explain it to us instead?"

"Fine." Ivy answers, shifting a bit in her bed, "I forgot to leave my notebook in my cell and it has some things in there I don't want the other girls to see. I dropped it and that girl picked it up, taunted me with it and said some things that she should have kept to herself."

"What was in the notebook that she found?" Emily asked, trying her best to sound sympathetic.

"A picture." She responded, turning her eyes to me, "The one you gave me when you came in to see me."

I shift my weight, "The one of me and Finn?"

She nods.

"What did she say?" Rossi asked, "Obviously something worth being hospitalized over?"

Ivy swallowed and looked at Rossi, "She told me how pretty she thought he was and how now she knows who to go to after being restricted for so long."

"You beat her up for finding Reid attractive?" Emily asked, "No offence, but I was expecting something a little worse for the condition you left her in."

She scoffed, clearly still angry over what the woman said, "Not Spencer, Emily. She wasn't talking about Spencer."

It took a few seconds, but the three of us finally realized what she was implying.

Rossi stepped forward, "You're telling us that she was gushing over your son?" He sounded disgusted.

"How do you know she meant it that way?" Emily questioned, trying to rationalize the situation.

"When they brought me here," Ivy started, "I asked one of the nurses what the other girl was in for."

"And what's that?" I ask, dreading the answer.

She clenched her jaw, "Take a wild guess."

None of us asked for anymore details. We could all understand what she meant.

"Regardless of it was deserved, because it definitely was," Emily stated, "your violent behaviour got your date moved closer."

Ivy nodded, "I know. I heard the nurses talking."

The Unknown Subject  [Spencer Reid x OC]Where stories live. Discover now