I was up in her face the moment she dared to utter Gianna's name. She fucking called her the British bitch.

"One more word about her from your mouth and I'll shoot your brains out. I mean what I said to your father. The engagement has been called off, Carla. Find somebody else to dig your gold digging claws into."

Carla had the audacity to look offended as she clutched a hand to her chest.

"You think I'm a gold digger? All I -

"Stai zitto." I growled out as I pressed the barrel of my gun to the side of her head. "Shut up now. I don't like to kill women but I just might have to make an exception with you if you don't shut your mouth." I gritted out.

Not interested in engaging in any of her dramatics, I turned on my heel and opened the front door with Luca hot on my heel.

"Vaffanculo a chi t'è morto." I cursed out as I left a gaping Carla Russo in my wake.

Luca's cackles followed me to the car as a grin took over my face.

"Cazzo di merda, Gio. That was some badass shit that you pulled over there."

"I know." I smiled at him through the rearview mirror as I directed Alessandro to drive back to the house.

I was pretty confident that a trip to the Russos would suffice and do the job.


I ran a hand through my hair as my eyes roamed over the bare walls. Three years and I still hadn't gotten over her - not that I ever would. Unconsciously I reached out a hand towards the couch. The same couch that we had spent nights cuddling while some sappy movie played on Netflix and I pretended to be interested just for Gianna. I could feel the same heaviness take over me as my head hung low. I wouldn't be surprised if Gianna loathed me at this point and never wanted to see me again. But I wasn't a man who took no for an answer. Growing up with luxury surrounding me, I had never felt the need to ask for anything more. And when I did want something, I did everything and anything in my power to get it.

Pulling out the polaroid out of my pocket - the one that I always carried around everywhere - I ran a thumb across Gianna's smiling face. Her cheek was pressed to mine as she looked straight into the camera. One of her hands was looped around my neck while my arm was wrapped around her waist. Even in the picture, my gaze was solely trained on her. As if she was my entire universe. I don't think I'd ever felt that happy before. I don't think I'd ever feel that happy again unless it was with her.

My heart hurt just thinking about all those memories we made in those past six months. Six months wasn't really a long time, if you go to think about it that way. I had read somewhere that some people can make you feel things in six months what other people couldn't make you feel even in six years. Well if that wasn't true. I tucked the picture back into its usual place as I walked upstairs. Luca had been living with me in Gianna's old room for the past three years. After she had left, I couldn't stand to live in the same house that we had built so many memories in. For the first few months, I would come home wasted every day only to punch holes into the walls - holes that now had been refilled thankfully.

Sensing my unsaid thoughts, Luca had moved in since then and had assured me that things would get better someday. It was that hope I held onto for so long. Faking smiles, pretending that the engagement to Carla hadn't been a farce, attending several events and charities to show off had exhausted me. But I had pushed through it and bided my time. It had taken a lot of thought and effort to come up with a solid plan but Luca and I together had somehow managed it. Even Nonna didn't know anything.

And that was another thing that had made the passing of these three years even harder. Nonna and I's relationship had been strained, to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I still went over to her house for our weekly dinners. But those dinners seemed empty. Way too silent. Our once easy going relationship as grandmother and grandson had vanished into thin air. There were points where I didn't know what to say to her - I didn't know how to explain myself to her. That I was a coward. A selfish bastard who had thought that keeping secrets would protect the woman I loved from hurt, from my darkness. It was a bit ironic how it was my darkness and cowardice that had eventually been our downfall.

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