Good news or bad news last part

Start from the beginning

Neil: Avniiii...

Avni looked at him, Neil sighed, have it.

Avni ate some bits then she goes from there by keeping the hand on her mouth.

Bebe: now, this will continue.

Neil looked at her then he goes behind Avni.

Neil took Avni to the room and made her lay in the fowler position.

Neil: once you will start the medicine, you will feel better.

Avni nods, she closed her eyes. Neil thinks.

Neil: I am coming, ok. Just, two minutes.

Avni nods then she closes her eyes. Neil goes. He dialled a number.

Neil: Hello, Neela maa.

Nm: yes, Neil.

Neil: Neela maa, I have good news for you.

Neil make frowns.

Neil: Avni is pregnant.

Neela maa gets happy.

Nm: really?

Neil smiled and said yes.

Nm: Congratulations, Neil.

Neil: Thank you, Neela maa.

Nm: where is Avni?

Neil: she is in the room, she is having rest.

Nm: oh, ok, I will talk to her later.

Neil: ok.

Nm: I am going to give the good news to the family, everyone will get super happy. Congratulations once again.

Neil looked down and smiled.

At the time of the evening, Neil entered the room and his phone was in his hand. Neil did not go to the hospital so he was getting calls. Neil saw Avni is talking with someone on the phone.

Avni: I am fine, mamma. How are you?

Nm: I am good. Many, many congratulations.

Avni was surprised.

Avni: for what?

Nm: don't be over smart, Neil told us everything.

Avni looked at Neil who blinked his eyes. They smiled to see each other. Neil came to her.

Nm: I am so happy for you, congratulations.

Avni: thank you.

Nm: we will come to meet you tomorrow.

Avni: you are most welcome.

They smiled. They talked then they cut the call. Avneil looked at each other. Avni kept her head on Neil's chest and hugs him. Neil kept his hand at Avni's back. Avni closed her eyes.

Avni: It is like a dream to me.

Neil smiled.

Neil: no, this is the beautiful reality of our life.

Avni looked up, they smiled to see each other. Neil kissed her forehead. Avni again kept her head and closed her eyes. Neil kept his hand on Avni's upper arm and caressed her hair. He kissed her forehead.

At the time of the night, Avneil was sitting on the bed. Shweta knocked on the door and Avneil looked at the door. They smiled. Neil got up.

Neil: mom, come.

Shweta smiled and came. She brought milk for Avni.

Shweta: I brought milk for Avni.

Avni smiled. She gave her the glass.

Avni: Thank you, mummy Ji.

They smiled.

Shweta: ab, Tillu, tomorrow, you will go to the hospital.

Neil: yes, mom, why?

Shweta: no, I and Bebe decided to go shopping tomorrow, that's why I asked?

Neil: shopping? Why?

Shweta: what do you mean by why? To buy clothes and things for the baby.

Avni stopped drinking. Neil's smile faded. They looked at each other.

Neil: ab, mom. Please don't misunderstand me but please don't buy anything for the baby.

Shweta frowns.

Neil: for, for some months. We have a lot of time for the shopping. Eight months are left, we will do shopping in the 9th month.

Shweta was looking at him.

Shweta: but what's the problem in buying things now.

Neil: mom, you know that chances of miscarriage are higher in the first few months so we don't want to buy anything now.

Avni looked down.

Neil: First, we pass this phase then we will not stop you, just pray that our child will safely come to us.

Neil nods. Shweta nods. She caressed Neil's face.

Shweta: my prays are always with you.

Avneil smiled. Shweta moves to Avni and she caressed her hair. Avni smiled to see her.

Shweta: you have a rest, I am going. Good night.

Avneil: goodnight.

Shweta goes. Neil closed the door. He turned and Avneil smiled to see each other. They wanted to act strong but both were scared from inside.

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