Chapter fifty eight

Start from the beginning

Instead of unsealing her mouth, Castor used a small  blade and painfully separate her lips from each other, her screams were music in his ears, she pleaded but Castor was just too busy with his fun, he forced her teeth out one by one and forcefully made new ones grow, the entire prison could hear her screams and pleas for mercy.

Then the heat was now cold like she was buried in ice," I like you a lot, I can't let you die"
She just wants to die.


Castor quickly got bored, he walked out of the prison ignoring the fear  from the others including the guards.

He entered the courtroom to be bypassed by Dexterio, he just bowed and quickly ran pass.

He looks ahead and there is his nightmare"…give it to the Ea Matias, he should handle it  before dawn tomorrow"

The guards nodded and left" everyone out"

The maids quickly left,and the doors and windows locked.

Caith sighed" do n..."

Castor chuckled darkly" you still followed her in her new life, I warned you, Mercury or not I will kill you"

" Castor...I know you blame me..."

A heavy smack sent Caith flying to the other side of the room" you got her killed the first time, you still want that again?"

Lightening struck Caith and another force slammed him to the wall, he can not risk fighting Castor, this being is as dangerous as his sister and stubborn as his grandfather, if they begin an actual fight, one of them must die, that's just Castor, Caith was bleeding from his nose, the black liquid showed itself as prove" Castor I did not let her die and you know it, I loved her back there and I love her now, I did everything I could..."

" You should have left her alone..." Castor roared angrily, the white markings on his face turning black" I told you, I pleaded, I warned you, to just leave my little sister alone, to forget that bond, the prophecy by our mother proved she will never be safe with you, your demons chase her, now here you are ..."

" Cast, I cannot leave my mate, she will not survive without me and I same, your sister knows I love her"

Another slam, Castor hates that word, that word killed his sister" does she know?", He asks calmly,his eyes fiery as he glared at Caith who was now trying to stand on his feet

" That you convinced her to elope with you, to this imaginary world away from your demons,away from her family?,did you tell her that you were thousands of years older and should have left her alone for her safety?"

Caith sighed"...that while she was been attacked you were tied like some vulnerable human, and watched her been humiliated by some low class creature of yours?..."

Caith looked away, while Castor sucked his teeth" everyone knew that, when her death body was brought back, the light in her body taken at barely 22 years, your demons molested her and her heart bitten... Mercury you didn't even have the guts to give her your last love"

Enki had to hold back as he fists clenched" every tree whispered, you were not hurt, my sister was gone, my family could only hope for her rebirth, a rebirth where we all are strangers except you, the demon that caused her to die miserably..."

Now it was Caith turn to slam Castor against the piller" you know nothing, you saw nothing..."

Castor quickly dodged the incoming claws" no one watched her die, I did, do not judge me when you sat back on your father's throne while your sister cried and pleaded, I held her while she took her last breath, you were attending a ball, laughing with the beings who killed her".

Castor was to send ice blades when they heard Algea's voice" Cast... please...please"

Castor rolled his eyes wiping the golden blood from his lips"We are not done, before Azura returns, your bones will be the only thing left"

Mercury watch him angrily walk outside bypassing his mother, who sighed running to Caith " will you be okay dear?"

Caith nods healing himself up"yes, thank you Lady Algea, I will do better to avoid him, he still hates me"

Algea sighed" he felt her absence than anyone of us, he just needs to cool off"


It been a minutes, hope you're doing well?, If not, just know this life is just one, and it's super short to be miserable, if you're sick, hope you get well.

I hope you're enjoying the second part, I'm trying, the fighting scene, I don't know, I still suck at it.

And note, the book isn't edited yet,so errors from grammar, repetition,spellings etc. I apologize for that.

What are your thoughts about Castor?

Seems our Imperia has been through more than we all thought.

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