Quote #392

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Maya: Attention. I've been asked to read this statement.

Maya, reading from the paper: "Two months ago, Robert Sullivan was hit by a bus, and the brightest star in the cosmos was extinguished. But today, like a phoenix from the ashes, he rises to vanquish"... This is ten pages. I can't read it. 

*Maya tosses the paper aside*

Maya: Sullivan's doctor said it was okay for him to come back to work today. Here he is. 

*Maya points to Sullivan, who comes in wearing a brace confining his head*

Sullivan: Thank you. As much pain as I've been in, I can't imagine what it's been like for you... living in a Sullivan-less world for two months. I'll field some questions now. Anyone? 

Montgomery: Uh, how long do you have to wear the... the... *Starts stammering* Metal... the head holder... 

Sullivan: It's called a halo. The doctor said I have to wear it for another week. It's drilled into my skull here. *Points to his forehead* And, yes, I can still hear the screws squeaking into the bone. 

Gibson: So what was it like getting hit by a bus?

Sullivan: It was awesome. 

Gibson: Ah, I knew it. I always wanted to get hit by a bus. 

Sullivan: Yeah, I mean, I was legally dead for two full minutes. And I met God. 

Vic: What does she look like? 

Sullivan: Ethnically ambiguous. 

Warren: You took two weeks off when Jamba Juice discontinued their kale apple surprise smoothie. Are you sure you're ready to be back at work now? 

Sullivan: What are you saying, Benjamin? You think I can't handle being back yet? *laughs evily* Watch this. 

*Sullivan plays Salt n Pepa's "Push It" then starts trying to dance while groaning loudly and painfully*

Montgomery: Sullivan is back, baby!

Reference- Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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