Quote #239

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Beckett: *seeing the Join the Fist flyers that Sullivan is hanging* 

Beckett: Hey, hey, hey, hey. What do you think you're doing? What's this? What's the Fist?

Sullivan: Oh, it's just a social club. You know, like the French Revolution, or the Black Panthers, or Communism. 

Sullivan: It's just a club. Guys talking, you know.

Beckett: You expect me to believe that you're starting a rebellion?

Sullivan: Nope. Social club. I hate when everybody calls us a rebellion. *Raises a fist at Miller, who has just entered the station.*

Miller: *Raises his fist, a bit confused.*

Beckett: *Stares in horror*

Beckett: Okay, you know what? I would love to join The Fist.

Sullivan: And we would love to have you. But not today. Unfortunately, it's a bad day, what with Operation Overthrow and everything, but I have noted it. 

Beckett: *tears the sign down*

Sullivan: *hangs two signs in its place*

Reference- The Office

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