Quote #360

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Sullivan: Ross.

Ross: Sullivan.

Sullivan: What's up?

Ross: What's up with you?

Sullivan: I need you to sign this report.

Ross: Okay. I'll sign your report.

*Ross takes the report, but Sullivan keeps a tight grip on it. Eventually, Sullivan lets go if the report and hands Ross a pen. Ross, using Sullivan's chest as a table, signs the report. They also maintain eye contact the entire time this is happening.*

Warren: What the hell?

Ross: Mm. Careful. The ink's still wet.

Sullivan: Maybe this'll help.

*Ross and Sullivan lean in and start blowing on the report, trying to dry it out.*

Warren: Okay, they got to knock that off.

Montgomery: Loosen up, Warren. Summer of love, baby.

Warren: It's March, man. Shut up.

Reference- Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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