Quote #201

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*In a bar*

Gibson: Can I have a Coke?

Bartender: Okay. 

Bartender, to Miller: And you?

Miller: I'll take a Coke too.

Bartender: Okay. *Pours two glasses of Coke.*

Gibson: I also see that you have Kinder eggs. Can I have two Kinder eggs and a pack of Orbit?

Bartender: *Grabs two Kinder eggs off the shelf.*

Gibson: Can I also get the WiFi password?

Bartender: *Slides a glass towards Gibson.*

Gibson: WiFi?

Bartender: *Slides a glass towards Miller.*

Gibson: This bar has kind of a sad atmosphere to it.

Miller: I think we're contributing to it.

Gibson: *Opens one of the Kinder eggs*

Gibson: Hey! It's a little dog! You can change the hair. Very little assembly required. 

Miller: I don't know this man.

Reference- Travel Man

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