Quote #259

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Gibson: Vic, do we have any of those clips that hold paper together?

Vic: Staples? 

*Maya clears her throat* 

Vic: Uh, Ripley called.

Gibson: Oh. He did? What did he say?

Vic: He heard you made a big splash at the call. Oh, my God. That was so mean what I just said and I didn't mean it. It was Maya and Travis put me up to it.

Gibson: Ok.

Maya, whispering to Vic: I'm gonna kill you.

Sullivan: Gibson, don't listen to them.

Gibson: Thank you, Sullivan.

Sullivan: You just ignore their carping.

Gibson, a bit confused: Ok.

Andy: Jack?

Gibson: Yes.

Andy: A carp is both a fish and a term for complaing. They're mocking you with wordplay.

Montgomery: Hey, Gibson, did you find Nemo?

Gibson: I can name Pixar movies, too. Toy Story.

Maya: Don't you mean 'Koi Story'?

*Everyone laughs*

Warren: And when you fell in, did you flounder?

Andy: Jack, a flounder is both a kind of fish and–

Gibson: I know what a flounder is.

Reference- The Office

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