Quote #315

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*Andy is on the phone and knocking on the table rhythmically. Gibson is clicking his pen equally as much, and Sullivan notices*

Sullivan: Stop it!

Gibson: Stop what?

Sullivan: You're talking about me in Morse Code. Well, you know what? Joke's on you 'cause I know Morse Code. Ha!

Gibson: *chuckles* Yeah. That's what we're doing. In our very limited free time and with our very limited budget, we went out and took a class on a very outmoded and very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.

Gibson, to the audience: Yup. That's exactly what we did.

Sullivan: Very well. I must have imagined it. I apologize.

*Andy starts clacking a stapler and Gibson responds by clicking his pen rhythmically*

Sullivan: Detonator. Detonator where? RIPLEY!

*One Minute Later*

Ripley: Gibson. Are you clicking a detonator?

Gibson: It's a pen.

Ripley: *Rolls his eyes and starts walking out*

Sullivan: Ripley, come on.

Ripley: Get back to work, Robert. Please.

Sullivan: Fine. Hey. Tap away.

*Sullivan puts noise-cancelling headphones on. Andy and Gibson begin to blink rhythmically. Sullivan also starts blinking rhythmically*

Reference- The Office

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