Quote #377

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*Sullivan is looking at his computer and notices a red wire sticking out of it.*

Sullivan: What's this?

Warren: Looks like a red wire.

Sullivan: Hmm. It wasn't here before.

Warren: Well it's a computer Robert, computers have wires.

Sullivan: I know that, but this one's different.

Warren: It is?

Sullivan: Yeah, it's going in a different direction than the other wires.

Warren: Robert, I am really busy, I can't talk about this anymore. 

*Sullivan follows the red cord through the station past the desk out front and through*

Vic: Sullivan, get out of here!

Maya: What are you doing?

*Sullivan goes throughout the whole station, pulling up the wire.*

Warren, to the audience: I got 500 feet of red wire at a flea market up by Dunmore High School. 20 bucks for the whole spool. Crazy, what a deal. 

*Behind Warren, Sullivan climbs a telephone pole*

Warren, to the audience: Oh he'll be fine. I made it up there.

Reference- The Office

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