Quote #364

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Sullivan: Wow. Late every day this week.

Miller: I signed Pru up for this daycare. It's on the other side of town. The traffic...

Sullivan: Why didn't I think of this before? Did you know that there is a daycare center opening right here in this building?

Miller: Is there really?

Sullivan to the audience: Now that I've been demoted, I'm looking for new sources of revenue. And a daycare center... *laughs maniacally*

Sullivan, to the audience: Well, I guess it's not an evil idea. It's just a regular idea. But there is no good laugh for a regular idea.

*Sullivan leads Miller to a lower level of the station then into a small room with white walls and tiles that's clearly been abandoned for decades*

Sullivan: Welcome to the Sesame Avenue Daycare Center for infants and toddlers.

*Sullivan turns on the lights, revealing DeLuca standing in a corner, wearing painting overalls and holding a paintbrush*

Miller: Aaah!

DeLuca: Aaah!

Sullivan: You remember Dr. Andrew DeLuca.

DeLuca: Welcome children.

Miller: Were you painting in the dark?


Miller: Wait. Is this your place, Sullivan?

Sullivan: Oh no. I like to think of it as a kids place. Would you like a tour?

Miller: I don't really think I need...

Sullivan: Oh... lets take the tour Miller.

Miller: ... Sure.

Sullivan: Come on. *walks Miller over to the far side of the room, where an eye chart poster is hanging* Here is the language skills and cognitive development area. These are English... uh... letters.

*Miller is looking in a box on the adjacent wall, filled with various plastic utensils*

Sullivan: I see you found our magical toy box.

Miller: These are actually forks and knives from the dining area.

Sullivan: Miller! To you and me, maybe, but, come on! To a child's imagination that's Mr. Fork and Lieutenant Knife and... Ms. Fork.

Miller: And a soy sauce packet.

Sullivan: Oh! *Reaches in and takes the packet out* That shouldn't have been in there. I'm embarrassed.

Miller: Don't beat yourself up.
*Sullivan walks further along the wall, where four buckets are lined up.*

Sullivan: We come fully equipped with a restroom *points to first bucket*, feeding trough, play bucket, and room for a plant, in success.

Miller: Who will be watching the children?

Sullivan: No one. The door locks from the outside. Escape is impossible.

Miller: Prove it. *Starts walking toward the door.*

Sullivan: What?

Miller: I'm going to head outside, give it a whirl. I just want to see how it works.

Sullivan: Oh no, no, no.

Miller, slowly closing the door: But I'll tell you this, if this works out, I think we're looking real good.

Sullivan: I promise you, that door locks!

*Miller turns off the lights and closes the door, leaving Sullivan and DeLuca in complete darkness*

Reference- The Office

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