Quote #386

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Warren: Hey, Sullivan. I'm sorry about what I did before. I saw this, and I thought you'd like it. *holds out a small box*

Sullivan, opening the box: I guess can't stay mad at you when you buy me... *fully opens the box*


Warren: Just try 'em on. 

Sullivan: I will try them on when you'll buy hearing aids! 

Warren: What? There's nothing wrong with my hearing.

Vic: Um, I have a, uh, hearing-test app on my phone. 

Sullivan, taking Vic's phone: Let's do it! *tries to operate the phone, then success it back to Vic after realizing he can't actually see anything on the phone* You do it! 

Vic: Okay. Everybody under the age of sixty should be able to hear this. *Presses a button and a loud sound comes out*

Andy: Yes. 

Gibson: Heard that. 

Maya: Yeah, definitely. 

Warren: What? You're lying. You didn't hear anything. 

Sullivan: We did! You see, you're deaf!

Vic: Okay, seventy. *An even louder sound plays*

Montgomery: Mm-hmm. Yes.

Warren: Oh, what is th-- did she put you up to this?

Vic: Here, Warren. I'll play you something even louder. 

*No sound plays*

Warren: Okay, I heard that one. 

Vic: I didn't press anything. 

Sullivan: Oh, look who's a cheater. 

Montgomery: Don't worry about it, big guy. I have trouble smelling lemons. 

Warren: You know, I don't need any of this.

Reference- Modern Family

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