Quote #395

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Gibson: Why are there giant lollipops all over the front yard? And why do they taste so bad? 

Maya: Because they're made out of cardboard, mouth breather. 

Montgomery: Hey! The world needs more dreamers, Maya. Never stop licking things.

Andy: I know it's lame, but after last year, we promised the community... we would keep our decorations more family-friendly. 

Maya: We can't even carve a pumpkin?

Andy: The petition was very specific.

Andy to the audience: Every Halloween, we have the best decorations. Last year, I took things to a whole new level, but apparently it was too scary for some kids. And one adult.


*Some kids walk into the station, where maniacal laughter begins to sound as Andy walk toward them*

Kids: Trick or treat! 

Andy: Would you like some candy? 

Kids: Yeah!

Andy: Or would you rather have this? 

*Andy reaches into her costume and pulls out a fake heart, spouting fake blood and starts spitting out fake blood. The kids start screaming and the man worn the kids passes out*

Andy, nudging the man with her foot: Come on. You're fine.

Reference- Modern Family 

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