Quote #372

13 0 0

Warren: So are you ready to kick some Wildcat butt, Tuck?

Tuck: Okay.

Miranda: Now don't you worry, son. You just do your best.

Warren: Don't listen to her, Tuck. If you want to win, you're gonna have to do better than your best.

Tuck: How do I do that?

Warren: You gotta give 110 percent. That's what'll give you that winning edge.

Tuck: But what if the Wildcats give 110 percent, too?

Warren: Well, then you gotta try even harder.

Miranda: How about if Tuck gave 112 percent?

Warren: Sure, that'd work.

Tuck: Or maybe 113.

Warren: *sighs, annoyed* Yeah, yeah, that's even better.

Miranda: No, I don't know. 13 is a very unlucky number.

Warren: Look, we're not talking about 13. We're talking about 113. And even... Okay, give 112, what's the difference? Look, Tuck, just do your best, okay?

Reference- King of the Hill

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