Quote #332

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Warren: This is... this is a great day. A really great day. Wow, look how big and empty the parking lot is, huh?

*Tuck whistles*

Warren: What do you say you get behind the wheel? *tosses Tuck the car keys*

Tuck: What would I do behind the wheel?

Warren: Drive.

Tuck: Is that legal?

Warren: Well, no, but my father let me drive when I was about your age. Call it a perk for running errands with your dad.

*Warren and Tuck get in the car, with Tuck on the driver's side.*

Tuck: Let's make this kitty purr.

*Tuck starts the car and drives slowly*

Warren: Mm, go ahead. Try a turn.

Tuck: *groans and makes the car move slightly to the right*

Warren: Tuck, why are you groaning? You're doing fine.

Tuck: *groans louder*

Warren: Rela... Tuck, relax. Easy, easy.

*Tuck makes a continuous groaning noise and moves in the direction of another car in the lot.*

Warren, chuckling: Okay, okay. Tuck, you're kind of headed toward the only other car in the lot.

*Tuck continues driving towards the lone car*

Warren: You have plenty of time to turn, Tuck, so just go ahead. Turn one way or the other...

*Tuck swerves the car back and forth, still headed towards the other car*

Warren: You're just swerving back and forth. Turn one way and stick with it, Tuck.

*Tuck is still groaning and headed towards the car*

Warren: Tuck, for the love of skies, turn away or stop! The brakes, Tuck! On the left! You're about to hit that car! The brakes! Hit the brakes!

*Tuck hits the car*

Reference- Bob's Burgers

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