Quote #389

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*Gibson sees Warren walk out of the captain's office with a bag.*

Gibson: Interesting. Very, very interesting. Guys. 

*Miller and Vic look up, slightly annoyed.*

Gibson: Sullivan has no pants on.

Vic: Um... What? 

Gibson: He has no pants on, is what. Here are the facts: At 11:55 A.M., Sullivan walked past us holding a hot bowl of soup. At 12:03 P.M., I heard him yell... "Ouch!" Then at 12:07, he called Warren into his office. He entered, holding nothing. One minute later, he left holding an opaque bag. Sullivan's pants were in that bag. His knees are in the breeze. He's in his undies. 

Vic: That evidence is circumstantial.

Gibson: Oh, so you guys want visual confirmation?

Vic: No. 

Miller: Not really.

Gibson: Done.

*In the captain's office*

Gibson: Hey, Sullivan. I just need you to sign something at my desk real quick. 

Sullivan: Just leave it my desk. Dismissed.

Gibson, whispering: Damn it.

*Five Minutes Later*

Gibson: Okay. Sir, you're gonna freak. Yo-Yo Ma is in the precinct, and he's giving out autographs. 

Sullivan: Yo-Yo Ma is on tour in Australia right now.

Gibson: How would you know that?

*Ten Minutes Later*

Gibson: *enters the office holding his throat and coughing*

Gibson: Sullivan, I'm choking on a lozenge! I'm gonna die! 

Andy: I got you, Jack! *Starts performing the Heimlich*

Gibson: No, no. Stop. I swallowed it. I swallowed it. It's fine.

*Fifteen Minutes Later*

Gibson: *holds a bowl of soup* Hey, hey. I made you another bowl of soup since you spilled yours earlier, but you're gonna have to come over here to get it. 

Sullivan: All right, Gibson, I'm sick of you wasting time, so, yes, I spilled some minestrone on my pants, and I'm sitting in my underwear. Happy? 

Gibson: Yes. *spills the soup on his pants* Ah. 

*Five Minutes Later*

Andy: Sir, I need you to sign off on... 

*Sees Gibson sitting next to Sullivan*

Gibson: Look at us, just three people with pants on having a normal conversation.

Reference- Brooklyn Nine-Nine 

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