Quote #228

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*Gibson, Montgomery and Vic have just arrived at Miller's house for a dinner party*

Miller: Oh, good, you made it on time.

Gibson: Of course we did! Did you think we couldn't do it?

Miller: The last time I threw a party, I told you to come at 5, you came at 9.

Gibson: Well, we're here now. Here you go. *Hands Miller a bottle of wine.*

Miller: Ah... Oh, thank you, Jack. *Takes the bottle.* Oh, lovely. White wine. Never seen a wine actually called "White Wine" before.

Gibson: It was on sale.

Miller: Thank you, Jack. What are you drinking?

Gibson: Red wine, please.

Miller: *sighs, annoyed* Travis?

Montgomery: Oh, do you have any absinthe?

Miller: No.

Montgomery: I only drink absinthe.

Vic: You definitely don't only drink absinthe. You drank five margaritas last week!

Montgomery: Well, I really want some absinthe, so Miller, do you have any absinthe?

Miller: Absinthe, no. Red wine, white wine, Carlsberg...

Montgomery: Oh, Carlsberg. Perfect.

Miller: Right. What do you want to drink, Vic?

Vic: White Russian.

Miller: A White Russian? Oh, for God's sake.

Vic: *sniffs* Is something burning?

Miller: *gasps* MY SPINACH PUFFS! *Runs to the oven*

Reference- IT Crowd and Emperor's New Groove

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