Chapter 21 ~ 🌿

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I tried to stop her, but it was too late... She took off running at full speed toward them, but she didn't see the black van coming...

"Serina!" is all I can yell, but I know even if she hears me, it'll be too late to stop...

It's too late– I watch as the love of my life gets hit from the side by a huge, black van. I don't think she even saw it coming because she never stopped running until the hit. I saw her body go limp as she fell to the ground, her head hitting the pavement.

I immediately run over to check on her, but by the time I get there, the van is no where to be found– he just drove off! What the actual fuck? But I don't even care, all I care about is seeing if Serina is alright...

There's blood seeping out from a large gash on the left side of her head. It's spilling onto the pavement, boiling as it hits the scalding asphalt. It rapidly soaks into her gorgeous black waves, too.

Without thinking, I don't even call for help, I just pick her up in my arms and run as fast as I can toward the hospital. Her body feels heavier than I would've expected it to in my arms– I suppose because it's just the dead weight of an unconscious girl...

"Please be ok, please be ok" is all that's running through my head. I'm shaking, my eyes are full of tears, and my chest is so tight, it feels like I might just suffocate. I need you to be ok, not just for the sake of Solunaria, but for me, too... please, don't leave me...

As I approach the hospital doors, I cry out for Valeria. Even though I know she can't hear me from the third floor, I don't care. Serina needs her, she needs us both.

I push past the doors and call for someone to bring me a rolling bed. A nurse, who I think is named Amanda, responds and says she'll be right back with one. Irritated I yell at her to hurry up– can't she see that Serina might be dying from her injuries?!

By this point, her blood is all over me; it covers my arms and stains my shirt, but I don't care. All I care about is saving my princess...

Amanda comes back with a bed, and the head doctor. I gently lay Serina on the bed, and we run to the operating room... Though I know ever corner of this hospital by heart, it seems like we're running through an endless maze. I fear we won't make it in time. The nurse has a cloth over Serina's wound to try and slow the bleeding, and the doctor is asking what happens, but I can't speak– I just exist there in silence, staring at her now colorless face.

With more force than I would expect, the doctor stops all three of us, grabs me by the shoulders, and says, "son, I know you're in shock, but I need you to tell me what happened, so I can help your friend."

Friend. That's right. That's all I am to her. Serina might die without me ever getting the chance to tell her I'm in love with her... The tears become too much and start pouring down my face. I can't contain myself– the thought of losing her is just too much to bear.

To my surprise, Valeria comes up from behind me and brings me into the most loving hug before saying, "it's ok, just tell us what happened so we can save her."

For some reason hearing the determination to keep Serina alive in her voice made me feel slightly better– like I was less alone...

I begin explaining what happened as we continue to the operating room. Once there, the doctor says no one's allowed inside expect Val as his nurse. He explains that Serina will need stitches to stop the bleeding, and then, they're going to take her to a room and try to wake her... but everything seems to blur, and all I can see is her... being rolled away out of my sight...

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