"She's after Tamayo!!!" Akai said to himself as he realized the route she was taking would undoubtedly end at her room. He flew down the hall, before coming to a stop suddenly.

"There's a second trail..." Akai thought as he picked up another scent.

It was Gyutaro.

And he was heading straight for Ubuyashiki.

Akai growled and split in half. Righty blasting to intercept Gyutaro as Lefty sprinted to catch Daki.

Righty flew out of the butterfly estate and rocketed down the trail to the Ubuyashiki residence, limbs blazing as a mix of rage and fear grew across his face. He was too slow! He knew how fast Gyutaro was now, there was no way he could cut him off.

"I can still stop him!!!" Righty heated his limbs further as the ground beneath him was seared, leaving a trail of fire behind him. He blasted off, flying into the air and over a fence before landing in the pebbled garden of Ubuyashiki's home. 

"Took you long enough."

Righty tore his gaze to the direction of the voice, eyes blazing with red flame.

Gyutaro leaned against a Wisteria tree, his level of regeneration so high that it didn't bother him.

"The hell?" Akai muttered as he caught his breath.

"Huh? The Red Comet winded after a short run?" Gyutaro chuckled his ugly chuckle and got up from the tree, walking towards Righty with an awkward gaunt. A dash of anxiety tore through Righty's mind. Was his deterioration catching up to him?

"Are you guys just gonna start showing up every Tuesday or something!?" Righty snarled, limbs still blazing.

"Well, Nakime's already got the place mapped out. The only reason all the ants aren't dead is thanks to you." Gyutaro explained.

"Well, what are you here for now? I thought Muzan said he'd stop with these visits." 

"We're not here on behalf of Muzan." Gyutaro said with a sick grin.

Righty's eyes widened as splattersickles hidden in the ground erupted from under him.


Lefty raced down the halls. Since when was the butterfly estate this big? 

"There!" Lefty noticed a shift in the scent as he neared a storage room. Daki was hiding in there.

Lefty blew through the door with a heated fist, only to be met with an empty room.

At that moment, it dawned on him.

"Why would she hide, knowing I can smell her?"

Another thought would follow.

"She's right above me, isn't she?"

He realized how stupid he was when a wall of sashes slammed down onto him, pinning him to the ground as they restrained his limbs. He was gagged, unable to move or cry out despite his demonic power.

Lefty was flipped onto his back, able to see Daki as she climbed down from the ceiling gracefully with the aid of her sashes. She was a scantily clad fusion of her demonic form and her 'Mumei' disguise. Lefty was now cursing himself as his eyes began to wander. 

"Nope, not doing this!" Lefty thought and tried to heat his limbs.

Key word:


Lefty's face was contorted in fear as his body refused to cooperate.

"HORMOOOOOOOOOOONES!!!!!"  Lefty's mind roared in fury as his thrashing became more frantic.

His thrashing stopped when Daki removed the shirt of her demon slayer uniform, revealing a black silk bra that clung loosely to her breast.

"Not again..." Lefty thought as a blush crept upon his face.

Ume stripped further with a teasing grin across her face, tearing off her skirt to reveal black silk panties, whose black strings clung to her delicious-looking curves.

"Not again!" Lefty wanted to cry as his every worst and wet dreams were becoming a reality.

She held her seductive gaze as she came closer to him, heels clacking on the wooden floor.

"NOT AGAIN!!!" Lefty pleaded to the universe as his mind reached its limit.

Lefty's mind went blank, and his breathing stopped as Daki stood over him, drop-dead gorgeous body on display to him and him alone. The only thing that could be heard in the room was his manic heartbeat.

Daki slowly, agonizingly lowered her body and settled onto Lefty, straddling him to the ground.

"It'sjustadreamIt'sjustadreamIt'sjustadreamIt'sjustadreamIT'SJUSTADREAM-"  Lefty's mind deteriorated as the fabric of his sanity became as weak as the fabric around his crotch.

He was screwed.

Or about to be, anyway.


Trivia: The strength of Akai and his counterparts is proportional to their feelings and the environment around them. For example, if one were to be in a high-risk environment, such as a faceoff with Akaza, they would instinctually be at 100% of their demonic power. If they were to be in a casual environment and in the presence of someone they cared for, were greatly embarrassed, or were feeling particularly bad, their strength would diminish to near that of a human.

Guess which weakness Daki's exploiting?

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