Bonus (2B) Happy Birthday Aaru

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Bonus 2B

Aarohi got up early that day, her day actually because it was her day but not so much. She remembered how crazy she would get for her birthdays when she was little. Her smile widened when a little memory of her childhood flashed in her mind. Smiling, she dried her hair with the towel, looking at the empty bed and her smile faltered. Neil must have slept with the twins, that was their routine all the time. He plays with them, picks them up, tucks them in their bed and then the kiddos beg for him to stay and he sleeps in between their huge bed and the twins cuddle with them.

As cute as that was, Aarohi would have loved a little cuddling for herself too, and none of the kids or her husband would be there for those. Actually, she was the one to be blamed honestly, her work shifts were so irregular and the emergencies she was involved in were insane. She could not say no to any of them because her patients were all little kids, and the guilt of watching any of them die on her watch would kill her for real. She knew what death was and if she would never let anyone go through the trauma her siblings went through. 

In all this, she was losing her moments with her family though and it was unfair how she had to pick her profession against her family and let that decision break her heart every time she did that. 

Sighing, she shook her head, and continued drying her hair as she smiled, or tried to. This was her day, her birthday and no past or present trauma is going to ruin her day. She shut her eyes, remembering that old memory which she had tucked in for days like these and she smiled, the little Aarohi who had woken up before the sun did ran straight to her parents' room, of course not before shaking Akshara out of her bed.


"Sorry not sorry, it is my birthday!!!!" Little Aarohi yelled showing her tongue to her elder sister who was frowning and frustrated by the little girl and Aarohi ran before Akshara could throw the pillow on her face. 

"I hate you!!"

"Back at you..." 

Aarohi looked at herself in the mirror, she twirled in her yellow kurta, the bright colour reminded her of happy days and her mother Naira, the prettiest woman she knew. Letting her wet hair dry naturally, Aarohi smiled, ready to start the day and early and happy. She walked out the room, the Birla House was always too silent and salient, it was 6 am though but yet, she sometimes missed her Goenka crazy chaotic household but she loved being with the sorted, happy Birlas too. 

It was a constant battle for married women honestly.

Manjari Maa must be present in the little temple in the ground floor, Aarohi beamed, she loved Neil's mother, always reminded her of what an angelic blessing she was. But before going down, Aarohi stood in front of Akshara and Abhi's room, which was to the extreme end of their floor. She thought for a while whether or not she should knock, because Abhi hated anyone disturbing his sleep, something she understood because doctor's sleep was precious. 

Her decision was made for her when the door opened to a startled Abhimanyu who looked at her in surprise, "Hi doctor, how is that you are up so early? Shift?" He asked, adjusting his tie and she shook her head with a soft smile, "I have to go to an early board meeting, Tai and Tau-ji are already gone and dad's waiting for me, so..." He blinked his eyes, touching her shoulder in delight. "And haan, Kiddo was sleeping with us again." He stopped mid-way as he was about to leave, "and it was a long night for the two..."

"Nightmares?" Aarohi asked, concerned, and Abhimanyu nodded, sadly and left while Aarohi sighed her first sigh. Abhimanyu was a busy soul, it is okay if he did not remember her birthday. Taking a deep breath, she entered the room, her sister was truly sleeping and in her arms was Karthik, the little boy who was peacefully asleep with her. 

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