Chapter One: Summertime Scheme

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Harry Potter and the Trip Trough Time
Chapter One: Summertime Scheme
Book 1

It was the day before they were to leave to go home for the summer. Harry was sitting in a chair by the fire, watching as the flames danced with each other. He couldn't stop thinking about Cedric, or how Voldemort had murdered him. Sometimes, Harry still found it difficult to believe the wizard was actually back. He didn't want it to be true, and he tried to convince himself it wasn't, but he couldn't just overlook Cedric like that. No, now he and Voldemort would have to fight, and Harry would have to win. It was either that, or die trying. But how was he going to do it? Sure, he'd been able to hold his own before, but that was when Voldmeort was weak, now he had his own body, he would be back to full power in no time. How was Harry, a fourteen year old boy, supposed to defeat a sixty four year old wizard? It was impossible.

"You alright, mate?"

Harry looked over his shoulder to see Ron walking over from the staircases that led to the boys' dorms, sitting down in the seat in front of Harry.

"I'm fine." Harry muttered, turning his head back towards the fire.

Ron shifted awkwardly in his seat, not really used to seeing his best friend so down. He cleared his throat and pulled out a yellowish envelope from his pocket, "Er- Hedwig brought you something..." He handed Harry the letter who'd looked back up, "It's from Si- Snuffles."

Harry flipped the letter over and broke the seal, pulling a piece of parchment out from within the thick envelope. As he read, his demeanor slowly changed from one of sorrow to one of great delight.

"I'm gonna be able to stay with him over the summer!" Harry told Ron excitedly, "He just needs a few weeks to get things ready. Apparently Arthur's going to be picking me up from the Dursley's- It sounds like your family is going to be there too!"

"What?" Ron asked, "Really?" He switched seats and leaned over Harry's shoulder to read the letter.

"Yeah," Harry said, "He says that Hermione will be there too."

"I'll be where?" Hermione suddenly appeared next to them.

"With Snuffles." Harry clarified, seemingly used to Hermione appearing suddenly, "I just got a letter from him."

"So that's what that was about." Hermione remembered, "I got a letter from my parents saying it was okay to stay with friends over the summer. I'm guessing that Snuffles didn't clarify which friends."

"Where will we even be going?" Ron asked, "I mean, the last time we heard from Snuffles, he was staying in a cave."

Harry and Hermione shared a look.

"I have no idea." Harry said blatantly.

Harry didn't know exactly when he would be leaving the Dursleys, he just knew it would be a matter of weeks. He spent most of his time outside, either walking or staying at a local park. The things that the Durselys did couldn't really get to him because he knew he would be out of there in no time. Besides, if he was able to stay with Sirius this summer, then he probably would again next summer, then the next. Soon, he'd be done with the Dursleys forever. Harry grinned as he leaned against the chain of the swing he was currently sitting on. He'd be with real family in a matter of days. One night, about two weeks after arriving at the Dursleys, Harry had been laying in bed when he heard a tap on his window. Curious, he sat up and looked over to see a barn owl perched on his windowsill. He immediately got up and tiptoed over to the window, opening it to let the bird in. The owl swooped down and landed on the edge of Harry's desk. Harry removed the letter from its beak and broke a seal. The owl taking back off through the still open window.

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