No matter how much you tried to calm down, it didn't work. So, you opted for writing the information required for each of the criminals you've killed. At first it wasn't working as you had hoped, but eventually your mind just focused on that. You don't know how long you worked on it, but you assumed it had been hours. The only reason you stopped was because it was way too dark to see, but instead of just turning the lights on and resuming your work, your stomach reminded you that you had yet to eat. 

With that in mind, you made your way outside and search for something to satisfy your hunger. Most of the shops and restaurants were already closed, so it took longer to find a place. By you found no place other than a bar, it was way past 11 pm, so it was no wonder why restaurants and shops were closed.

A bar wasn't what you had in mind, so, it would have to do. But since you were still below the age limit, you transformed into someone older than you and you also changed to a male. The last thing you wanted was to have unwanted attention on you. You were easily allowed in the bar, and as expected, it was not very pleasant to watch drunk males here and there. Most were probably Shinobi who were here to forget whatever was plaguing their minds.

"What can I get you?" As soon as you took a seat, the bartender questioned as he cleaned a glass.

"Whatever you have to eat." The man's eyes watched you almost as if he was judging you for the reason of being here. 

"This is not a restaurant." The man grumbled.

They had food, but he wasn't just going to serve that if you were not here to drink. The profit was gained by what people drank. After you ordered the most expensive drink, he finally decided to serve you some cheaply made food.

When you received the items, the food despite being bland, tasted very delicious because of the hunger. However, when your eyes landed on the drink, you were just about to leave it where it was. Alcohol was not a solution for any problems and it wasn't about to start now. Shaking your head, you turned to the side really to take your leave when an arm was thrown around your shoulders.

"Leaving so soon?" The owner of the voice asked as he took a seat at your side. He ordered a drink for himself and another for you, despite the drink in front of you. His eyes glanced at you, and smiled. "You look like you could use a drink. Sit down."

"No thanks." Muttering, you turn now ready to leave,you reply. But he doesn't even allow you to get up as his fingers wrapped around your wrist."What do you need? I should be going now." Not wanting to create an spectacle, you asked as you unwrapped his fingers from your wrist.

The man puzzled as to why he even stopped you, furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Now you could notice one slurring in his voice from the alcohol he already consumed. "Don't take it wrong but," he turned around to the side to face you, "I've seen the look on your eyes, it...I saw it in one of my comrade's eyes long ago, and then madness possessed him."

Letting out a sigh, you glanced around the bar only to see a couple of eyes on you. You'll probably regret it later, but you turned around to face the drink, grasped it, and swallowed it as if it was water.

As the liquid ran down your throat, you felt it's warmth and it's burn as it made it all the way down. It's after taste wasn't so bad, probably because of it's quality. The man smiled as he too drank his, he then motioned for the bartender to refill both of you glasses. "Alcohol isn't the solution, I know that, but there are just times when it really helps numb the pain." 

At his comment, you sat back down. You didn't know him but he sounded sincere and honest. "And if you don't mind me asking, what pains you?"

As he eyes saw you seating back down, he faced the bartender and just stared at his hands. "Well," he poured the drink down his throat, "that comrade I was talking about, he killed himself a week ago. More than just a comrade, he was like a brother to me. We were both from the same team." 

Love for Sale( A various Naruto x reader story.)Where stories live. Discover now