◖31◗ Journey to the East

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A sky full of stars and he was staring at her. ~Anonymous

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There's a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable

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There's a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.
~Mark Twain

The tale of the forbidden fruit that Persephone had eaten, has always been in my mind. Though an unwilling one, she was the first living creature in the underworld. As the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, she was blessed with beauty. Her innocence was her charm which captivated Hades.

But one thing you have to know when you step into the underworld or come anywhere near Hades,

You don't eat the fruit!

Despite knowing better or maybe she knew, she had eaten 7 seeds of the forbidden pomegranate fruit.

And became the Queen of Dead.

Just like me.

After the La Pozza di Sangue, I was feared, loathed, detested, and hated by everyone. The kingdom which once called me 'The Uncrowned Queen' had now named me 'The Queen of Dead'.

I killed some innocent and many not-so-innocent people. I made a blood pool and painted the floors and walls crimson. To the people, it looked like Tartarus. It looked like hell on Earth and I was the creator.

I was the devil.

I was the monster.

I was the Queen of Dead.

But I could never become Persephone. I was neither innocent nor a virgin. She became the Queen of Dead because she was married to the King of Underworld, The King of Dead, Hades.

But I, I became The queen of the dead because I committed a sin. I was the monster. I became the queen of the dead because I created hell on earth.

And I don't even have to eat the forbidden fruit to be in hell, I was born here. I'll have to live and die here. I could never be able to see the other side because there's no space for the queen of the dead to be anywhere except in the underworld.

Valentino, the King of Dead, doesn't even need to be my husband to make me his queen. I was given this fate even before he was made one.

The difference was that he was feared but respected and I was feared but hated.

He was my forbidden fruit. I know, I can't have him but I crave him. I know, we are harmful to each other, we are toxic and we shouldn't be anywhere near each other, but this forbidden fruit is irresistible.

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