◖22◗ Crash landing on you

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You are lovely, even in your madness. ~Henrik Ilbsenq

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A drug is something that makes you feel like you are on top of the world

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A drug is something that makes you feel like you are on top of the world. It's addicting because it makes the time stop. It sends you to a state of euphoria from where you would never want to come back. It's a feeling we all crave for our entire life because it makes the world go quiet. No noise, no chaos, no bullshit just silence and peace. It makes you feel safe in your own head, even if you are being clawed by your demons.

Drugs are kind of cool, at least before they wreck your skin, your mind, and your life. The more you do drugs, the more you lose. It destroys you, tears each and every muscle in your body. The blood which flows through your veins suddenly just stops and all you feel is cold. There's not even a single ray of light as the darkness engulfs you and takes you deep down with it. But the sad truth is, that's not the end and the next thing you say is-

I am alive. Shit!

The most dangerous drug I know has grey eyes and a heartbeat. His eyes have captured and chained me. I don't think I will ever be able to escape them. He is a drug and I am his addict. He destroys me, breaks me, and shatters my world but I go right back to him in search of euphoria.

When it comes to him I am just a pathetic little bitch.

Running for my life once again, hit me with all those flashbacks. The times when I ran away from my demons, dodging them on every turn. It's a circle of life, you end up exactly where you started.

I had cars following me and people screaming, shouting, and howling like wolves. I knew Valentino was with them, chasing me and that was the only thing I was afraid of. I knew all those dogs wouldn't be able to catch me but he, this devil was unpredictable.

The cars behind me were crashing into each other and to the corners, flipping and being destroyed as I took each turn. I am a little experienced at this running and chasing the game but when the only car which was left behind me, which did not fall into any of my traps, was almost catching up with me, I decided I wasn't the best. Valentino did not like to lose. Finally the thing I dreaded the most has come. Being chased by demons is one thing but when you are being chased by Satan himself things start falling apart and that's what happened.

His car hit me with such a force that my car flipped twice and fell about 7 ft away from the initial point. I was upside down, my head hurt and things got blurry real fast. Blood started dripping from the cut on my head.

No, I won't lose this easily. I tried to wiggle out of the car but my foot got stuck on the breaks. After trying multiple times, I was finally able to free it and crawled out of the car. I tried to stand but my knees wobbled and my head hurt like hell. When I used my hand to apply pressure on the wound on my head, it came out bloodied.

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