◖6◗ The Uncrowned Queen

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The dark side of life is even more, brighter than light. Most people have no idea how beautiful the darkness is. Don't worry about the darkness in my soul, it ignites me like an embered coal. ~Anonymous

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I have always loved the darkness that surrounded me, I knew it couldn't hurt me, because it was inside me

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I have always loved the darkness that surrounded me, I knew it couldn't hurt me, because it was inside me. It was pitch black everywhere. Even when I was a child, I knew the world I lived in, didn't have light. I wanted to experience it. To feel the warmth it brought to my cold soul, but I knew I could never have it, never experience it, never witness it. So, I engulfed what the world gave me, darkness. I loved it because it provided me with peace. It made me its king and let me rule on the creatures of the dark. It provided me with a throne, gave me power and authority. The belief people have in supernatural sources to bring them evil is useless, men like me are quite capable to be cruel and evil.

But now, all my theories are failing. The darkness which was my strength and my kingdom was playing games with me.
All this while I forgot about fire. One of the five elements, and perhaps the cruelest and the most dangerous one. Fire burns brighter in the darkness. A small candle in a pitch-black room shines brighter than being in a room full of light.

The person I hated the most, whom I wanted to pour all my wrath upon, who I wanted to kill with my bare hands, who I wanted to burn in the pits of Tartarus, was now laughing at me.

Stefano Vitale, King of The Azure, the cruelest person to ever exist. He, who tried to destroy me and my kingdom.
Ludicrously, that bastard died. That scoundrel was killed by his own brother, who took over his kingdom. When he took over the kingdom, he brought doom with him. He was much more crueler and ruthless than Stefano. He was cunning and wicked. He didn't care about anything or anyone and he had already done too much damage to my family.

Antonio Vitale, the new king of The Azure. That motherfucker has caused too much destruction to me and my kingdom. I pledged to show him what happens to the people who come into my kingdom, The Kingdom of the Dead and undead, The Abyss, and create chaos. I won't kill him, No, I'll torture him by letting him live. Life is much more brutal and I want to show it to him. He likes to keep showpieces and showcase his victories in front of people. He will become my showpiece and stand at the entrance of my kingdom, telling everyone who passes by, what happens to the people who mess with the king of Abyss.

The only family he had left was his niece. The uncrowned queen of The Azure, the real successor of Stefano, and the rightful owner of the throne. But as Antonio took over the throne, the story wasn't the same anymore. It is believed that she is very dear to him and has even helped him to bring Stefano down. No one has ever seen her, just like me she was unseen. She was the thread that would eventually lead us to Antonio. For him, she might be his power, but for me, she was my biggest trump card. I've been searching for her since the news of her running away spread throughout the underworld. Why did she run away from her kingdom was one of my least worries but her escape formed a plan in my brain, a plan to bring The King of Azure down.

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