"I'm sorry Mason, I didn't mean to do that, I just couldn't control myself." He said, his back facing me. I cleaned my throat, not knowing what to say in this situation. I mean, what is there to say? Yeah man, totally cool you just attacked me in the school infirmary? No!

"Weren't we supposed to hang out?" I asked trying to change the subject. If acting like this never happened is the route he wants to take, I can agree with that. He turned to look at me, a flame of hope igniting in his eyes, which he quickly distinguished.

"No, I don't want to anymore." He lied easily. "I'll leave you alone from now on. I'm sorry."

I wanted to stop him from leaving, but didn't really know what to say, so I just let him walk out the door, leaving me in the small quiet room.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, my hands tangling in my hair in frustration. Why would he do that! Our relationship is already complicated as it is, there's no need to now add a sexual component to it. I'm not gay, and up until then I thought he wasn't either!

I don't even know what this means, what my next steps would be, where does it go from here? He kissed me, and not just a little peck, we full on frenched! I have never done anything like that with another guy, and it was a little scary.

And what does this mean about me, am I...sexually attracted to men?

"Ugh, too many questions for my little brain!" I groaned, falling back on the small flimsy bed.

This is more complicated than I thought.


"He what?!?" Kelsy screaming into the phone. I took it away from my ear for a moment to regain my hearing before putting it on speaker.

"I said he kissed me." I repeated. If she wasn't my best friend I wouldn't be really Kelsys big mouth ass anything, I needed to tell someone. It'll probably come back to bite me in the ass, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

It's been a few days since I've seen Ryker, and from I can tell he's just completely ignoring me. Not even a look my way, and it's honestly very annoying. How are you gunna kiss me, and then avoid me like the plague like I did something wrong to him? Doesn't make any sense.

"Are you kidding me, this is getting crazy. What are you going to do?" She asked giddily.

"What do you mean what am I going to do? There's nothing to be done about it, he's choosing to ignore me like I don't exist, so I'm just going to let him be. I'm not chasing this man down." I said.

"And that's what you want to do?" She asked.

No. "Yes. I don't really have a choice so do I?" I said, contradicting what I just thought. Obviously I want to know more about what's going on with him, if these feelings he's claiming to have for me are real, things like that. But I can't force him to explain anything to me, so I have no choice but to sit around until he's ready to talk about it. Which by the likes of it it seems like that won't be anytime soon.

"Wait until Darren finds out , he's going to have a fit!" Kelsy said chuckling.

"You're not telling Darren a damn thing girl! He will Chico my head off and have me for dinner, and I don't wanna hear his mouth." I said. If Darren finds out, there's probably going to be another argument between them, and that's the last thing I need.

"Hell get so jealous!" Kelsy said laughing out loud.

"Oh my god please don't bring this up again." I groaned.

"It's still funny to this day. You were so upset when he took your first kiss!" She squealed. This bitch will not get over this I swear.

When we were younger in the sixth grade, when we first became friends, Dare, Kelsy, and I were playing with a few other neighborhood kids in their backyard. Darren dared me to jump in their pool with all my clothes on for ten whole bucks. And if I didn't do it Darren got whatever he wanted. I didn't do it because I didn't bring a change of clothes with me, and I was scared of the deep end at that point in life, so he ended up kissing me. It was stupid and it happened so long ago, yet she still brings it up. Like i said, annoying.

"We get it he took my first kiss who cares, we're we're kids! It's not like he took my virginity?" I said.

"Yeah well it looks like Ryker almost did." She said teasingly. I didn't even tell her the details, nowhere near, but just remembering what happened made me shiver. I'm still processing what happened.

"Shut up. Seriously don't tell Dare, I don't want to hear his mouth about my personal life." I said.

"But you know he's gunna find out somehow, he always does." She said.

"Okay, I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later." I said. We said our goodbyes and I hung up, scrolling through my phone. I wish I had Rykers number so I could text him....

I blushed at the thought, shaking my head violently. This kiss is messing with my head big time, I swear it is! I need to focus on something else, prioritize something important for once.

Time for some food.

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