Wei Ying grabbed Suibian and Lan Zhan called Bichen to his hand. The two young men held each other's gaze. It was as if they were asking the other if they were ready without using words. Wei Ying nodded and soon they were headed to Hanshi.

Lan Xichen had made all the preparations. He made sure they had sacks of dried meat for Wei Ying and nuts for his little brother. Water bags had been filled and tied together. Other provisions supplied for them Lan Zhan placed in his Qiankun pouch for safe keeping.

"Please send a butterfly every night." Lan Xichen told his baby brother lovingly.

Wei Ying's chest ached at those words. This was probably the first time the brothers would be separated under not so pleasant conditions. He could see a look of uncertainty masked by an illusion of confidence in Lan Zhan's eyes. Wei Ying hated himself for putting the brothers in this dangerous situation. Lan Zhan's words from last night echoed in his mind but they did nothing to ease the guilt scraping its way through his heart.

"Mn." Lan Zhan answered.

"And Wei Ying, please don't....."

Wei Ying smiled understandingly. "I promise to stay out of trouble, Xichen-ge."

Lan Xichen nodded and half grinned. He stood in front of Lan Zhan and placed a hand on his little brother's broad shoulder. "Take care, Wangji. I hope you are able to get A-Xian's parents to safety."

Wei Ying could sense the deep concern in the clan leader's normally calm voice. Separating the brothers like this made his stomach twist. But Zewu-jun was right. Both he and Lan Zhan were targets now. Or they would be soon enough. Hiding wouldn't do anyone any good. They needed to take the offensive and stop this war before it started.

"We will be fine, gege." Lan Zhan answered confidently. "We are strong together."

Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand in his, threading their fingers together and giving Wei Ying the courage he needed to start their journey.

Lan Xichen chuckled. "You're right, didi. But I'll always worry about my baby brother. It's a big brother thing."

Lan Zhan cocked his head slightly. Wei Ying chortled at the innocent gesture.

"Come on, little brother." Wei Ying teased. "It's time to officially meet your in-laws."

He gave Lan Xichen a playful smile and pulled Lan Zhan alongside him as they headed towards the clearing to take to the sky. Taking stock of their supplies one last time, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan unsheathed their swords and stepped onto them confidently. Wei Ying drew his talismans and set them in place. It would take them approximately two days to reach Baoshan Sanren's.

"Ready?" Wei Ying asked his jade.

"Ready." Lan Zhan answered with a firm nod.

He took Wei Ying's hand in his, placing a lingering kiss on the inside of his palm. Shivers erupted across Wei Ying's skin. He couldn't stop the rosy blush that warmed his cheeks but was comforted when a matching color painted his jade's skin as well. As they rose slowly into the sky, Wei Ying looked down at the shrinking image of Cloud Recesses.

So much had happened in such a short time. But he wouldn't have changed any of it. He had faced the anger of the Lan Clan elders, three monsters (Well, technically only two. Zhen Jing didn't really count as he was a spiritual beast protecting the Lan Clan), and, of course, Uncle Qiren. Not only had he survived his time in Cloud Recesses but he had made a few friends and had started earning the trust of his fiance's stubborn uncle.

He had learned so many things about Lan Zhan, as well. It seemed like every time another facet of his beloved jade was revealed Wei Ying fell in love with him even more. Every day he spent with Lan Zhan was another day Wei Ying fell in love with him all over again. He never thought his heart could feel so full, that he would feel so loved. But every time Lan Zhan looked at him, Wei Ying felt the depth of his beloved's desire in that scorching gaze.

Solstice Souls Book 2: Black Fire, White FlameWhere stories live. Discover now