Nagamasa: Hyaahh!!( barely dodges)

Izuku: (dodges simply)

Karagusaki: HRAAHHH!!!! (As he tries to smack Izuku with his hammers) Take this loser!!!

Izuku: (catches the hammers without any problem) Mora-kun you should go help the others Camie is fighting alone against a third year help her.

Nagamasa: What!? But what about you ??

Izuku: Don't worry about me he can't do anything to me . I can assure you.

Nagamasa: Alright Dunade-kun.

As runs to help Camie to fight against Kotaro.

Karagusaki: You did a grave mistake! (He tried to pull his hammers) what!

Izuku: You know if I could use it then you will learn what is a true hammer . Oh well .

Karagusaki: (changes the hardened hammer to jello to get back his hands) Take this!! (as he again makes his hammers to attack him)

Izuku moves so fast behind him that he didn't even noticed that he was hit by Izuku multiple times.

As Karagusaki falls down on the down unconscious. Both teachers and 3rd years were shocked because they couldn't see his speed.

Izuku: Now then.(As he looks behind he saw that his classmates were struggling)
They need a lot of training and martial arts if they want to become a hero. Let's give them a sparkle of help.( He launched towards at Shinochi. Alert Shinochi tried to stop Izuku with his Blasts but failed as he was backhanded by Izuku. The backhand slap was so hard that it launched him little bit far away but he was with little fractures.
And then he launched at Kotaro . Kotaro used his rocks as shield to shield himself from Izuku's attacks.)

Kotaro: Huh you can't break my barrier . Even Shinochi or Karagusaki couldn't do that!

Izuku: I don't need to use my strength when I can use my brain.(As tentacles came out of his back like Kaneki's Kakuja's and they also looked like his Kakuja but blackish red like a dry blood-stain)

He pierces they barrier with those Kakujas and destroyed them. Kotaro was now scared . But to keep his cool to impress Camie he starts to use his quirk
and used rocks to form as gauntlets on his hands.

Kotaro:TAKE THIS! You will pay! ( as he tries to attack but his hands were caught by Izuku's two Kakujas )

Izuku: (another Kakuja came from his behind and started slapping Kotaro)

Kotaro:AHHHH! AHHHH ! It hurts stop! I give upppp!!!

(As Izuku lose his grip and drop him down on his back hurting him a little)

Kotaro: Ouch! What was that for!?

Izuku: To teach you the lesson that you have strong quirks use it to protect others not Bully them. Or you will make your own monster who will come back for revenge. As someone said" What goes around comes around ".

This speech left all the people present there speechless as he is right the second year students learned their mistakes.

After some medical attention given to the students. The second year students asked the 1st years for forgiveness and swore to never be rude anyone again.

The 2nd year students: Please forgive us for our rude behaviors we will try to be not rude and be friendly towards everyone. (As they bows for forgiveness)

1st years:Don't worry we forgive you but please remember to not be rude towards anyone as you're heroes in training like us.

They and 2nd year student became friends and went on towards there own classes.

Inasa: Man Dunade-kun you managed the situation so well. It makes me admit that you are a better hero than me.

Izuku: Don't worry Yoarashi-san you and the others will soon surpass everyone just train and also learn so martial arts . They will help you guys in the long run.

Nagamasa:Yes you're right we should. Do you know any nearby martial arts center?

Camie: Yea it seems like you know very well about martial arts Takeuchi-kun. Oh sorry can I call you that?

Izuku: Yea sure. And I know but I am not really well at teaching but there is a martial arts school near Shiketsu. It is like some blocks near the train center. You can apply there.

Camie: I thought you could teach us maybe we could hang out a know each other better.

Izuku: Tell you what I will join you in the Martial arts school it will also help me remind my skills.

Camie:Oh alright .Do you guys agree ??

The other three boys: Alright 👍!!

Izuku: Oh yeah we should also get to know other students who will join us tomorrow.

Seiji: Oh your right I almost forgot .

Izuku: Alright then by guys.( As he waves while going away from them)

Inasa:Hey Don't you guys ever think why does he go the opposite way of the train station ?

Seiji: Maybe he lives nearby ,don't know dude.

Scenario changes to Izuku who is jumping from building to building. As he was going towards his other base near Shiketsu he started hearing stuff.


Izuku: Huh what who ?

????: Go to your rights in a run down hotel~

Izuku: who are you and how do know me???!!

????: Just follow me directions~~

Izuku hesitated but followed the directions of the mysterious voice which led to the run down hotel.

Izuku: Who are you , where are you and how do know my name!?

????: Your near Izuku we can meet atlast~

Izuku felt that the voice came from the rest rooms.

Izuku: Where are yo--( as he is shocked)

[ ps I forgot to add the other three 2nd year students. Let's just say they were absent. It's between you and me , alright? Oh good you agreed or I thought I have to use the hard ways Hahahaha 😅😅.Alright then Byeeeeeeee]

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