Time to find a spoon. You search the drawers before you found them and grabbed a spoon. You grab your bowl and instantly took a bite, humming softly as you haven't had Frosted Flakes in a year. You hopped up on the counter and ate your cereal in kitchen.

Once you were done you rinsed your bowl out and sighed softly. What should you do? You had no idea. You look around the room, Ehh, you could watch TV... Just as you were about to head to the couch, you heard a soft groan and soft footsteps against the carpet. You looked towards the noise and saw Mark rubbing his face. His glasses were off and his hair was disheveled.

"Morning," His voice was deep, thick and slightly raspy. He smiles at you and you smile back at him.

"Morning." You make your way to the couch and plopped down, leaning back and getting yourself comfortable as you watch Mark walk into the kitchen. He was in a white shirt with a black 'M' on the front that matched his black 'M' pajama pants. Why is he wearing those?

Mark gets himself some cereal and makes his way back into the living room and sits a little ways from you. "Did you get some food?" He asks before taking a bite. You nod before pointing to his hair. "Yea I know," He chuckles. "My floof is out of control right now." You smile at him and shook your head. "Slept okay?" He shifts on the couch, pressing his back against the armrest to face you, having himself sit cross legged.

You nod again. "Yeah, I was playing my Xbox when all of a sudden it was morning and the TV was displaying 'Game Over' so I apparently passed out from exhaustion." You turn to face him, almost sitting the same way. "You?"

"I didn't go to bed until late. I am surprised I even woke up this early." Mark continues to eat his cereal. "So tell me, why did you move to L.A.?" He asks.

You thought for a moment before answering him. "I wanted to start over." You say, "I needed something different and new in my life, have some fun, stuff like that."

Mark nods, taking a couple of seconds to finish off the rest of his food and drink the milk out of his bowl. He then leaned over and placed the bowl on the coffee table and wiped his mouth with his hand. "I almost did the same thing. I moved from home to here and started a whole new, well everything." He rests his hands in his lap as you both stare at each other. "So, something different, new and fun huh?" You nod. Mark gives you a slight smirk.

"Should I be worried... about this look you're giving me?" You ask, looking at him warily. Mark shakes his head and stands up, grabbing his bowl and heads for the kitchen. He rinses his bowl out before heading for the stairs without a word. Your brows furrow slightly, this man is weird.

You shook your head and stretched. You look for the remote for the TV and spotted it on the floor by the TV stand. You sigh and stood, walking over to the remote and grabbed it, then headed for the couch again. Just as you plopped back down, Mark was coming back downstairs, his glasses on and his hair fixed. He looked more alert and awake than before he went upstairs.

He was carrying a tripod with a camera on it and set it up to him by the windows. What the hell is this dude doing? You watch as Mark disappears back up the stairs for a minute or two before he was back with a Xbox One box. The top of the box was opened and stuff was in it.

"Want to help me with something?" Mark asks once he sets the camera up. You look at him, still sitting there. "Oh come on its harmless. Come here."

You sigh softly and stood up, dropping the remote on the couch and walked over to him. "Okay, so what is this harmless thing you need help with?" You ask as Mark takes ahold of your shoulders and moves you to stand in front of the armrest of the couch.

"Stand here, don't move."

You frown slightly before mark presses a button on the camera and picks up a plus box toy with long stringy hands.

Til 6AM (Markiplier x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن