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After Olivia and Elliot made up, they were stronger than ever. Olivia moved the girls back home and jumped right back into life as a family. It was a good thing that they moved back in together, since a month later Olivia went into labor. It happened not long after midnight on November 1st, and about two weeks earlier than expected.

"Still feeling sick?" Elliot asked as he walked into the bathroom.

"A little, but nearly as bad when the contractions first started." Olivia said with a tired smile. Elliot walked over and sat beside his wife before caressing her flushed cheeks.

"Were you this sick with Louise and Violet?" Elliot asked softly.

"I really can't remember. All I can remember is the moment they were born, and I got to hold them in my arms for the first time. Oh, and I can remember that new baby smell... that was my favorite." Olivia sighed before resting her head against the wall and yawning.

"What can I do for you?" Elliot breathed. Olivia opened her eyes slowly and shrugged.

"I guess you could lift my ass up and help me to the bed. I need to get some sleep before things get more serious."

"One ass lifting coming up." Elliot said with a forced smile. He was so nervous, especially since the last thing he wanted was for something to happen. The moment Olivia had woken him up because she was having a contraction, Elliot had been having a nightmare about losing Olivia, Lane, and Frankie. Now he was worried that it might happen.


Olivia passed out not long after she got back into bed, and would only barely wake up when she had a contraction before passing out again. That entire time, Elliot just laid and watched her. He kept timing the contractions, while also praying that nothing bad would happen. He wanted his wife and babies to survive this, even if he didn't know if something bad would actually happen or not.

"Morning, Ma." Elliot spoke when his mother showed up at the house at around six. Olivia had been in labor for about six hours and was still sleeping.

"Hey, carrot. How is she?" Bernie asked as she moved into the house. Elliot led his mother to the kitchen before filling a mug for her.

"She's sleeping, which I am so thankful for. She'll wake up for a bit, and she's almost zoned out when she gets up. Then she'll pass out again."

"Did you call the hospital to inform them?" Bernie asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"Olivia hasn't told me when she wants me to do that. I haven't done this before, so I have no idea what I'm doing." Elliot sighed. Bernie hugged her son softly before smiling.

"Call the hospital and warn them about Olivia. When it's time for you to head in, then they know and can be prepared."

"Okay, can you check on her while I do that?" Elliot asked.

"Of course."

Bernie went upstairs and found Olivia still in bed. Bernie walked over and caressed Olivia's hair for a moment before moving to leave.

"Bernie?" Olivia yawned.

"Hey, honey. I'm sorry that I woke you. Elliot asked me to check in on you while he called the hospital."

"It's okay. How is he doing?" Olivia asked as she sat up slowly and raked her fingers through her hair.

"He is incredibly nervous. But this is his first time watching you in this kind of pain."

"I just hope he doesn't faint when the time comes, since I need him. I also don't plan on having another baby after these two, so I don't want him to miss the only chance he has at watching his babies being born."

"I think he'll be fine. Maybe incredibly shaky, but fine. He will use the pure love he has for you to stay standing."

"Fingers crossed." Olivia smiled nervously.


Not long after Bernie arrived, Elliot and Olivia left to head to the hospital. Olivia got checked in and then set up in her room while Elliot stood outside and tried to calm himself down.

"You two came in at the perfect time." Dr. Clarke spoke as she came out and stood beside Elliot.

"What do you mean?" Elliot questioned, his voice shaking.

"Olivia is eight centimeters dilated and it won't be long until Lane and Frankie make their entrance. So why don't you go inside and keep her company as I get a team around and we set up?" Dr. Clarke smiled before she moved away.

"She can do this, right? Olivia is incredibly strong, so she'll be able to have both babies?" Elliot whimpered, his voice shaking. He was in tears at this point. 

Dr. Clarke turned to Elliot before smiling and nodding.

"This isn't her first rodeo, Elliot. She's scared just like you are, but with your help, she can do this. Before you know it, Lane and Frankie will be in your arms, and you won't even remember how scared you will."

"I might faint." Elliot said with a nervous laugh.

"We always have a spare nurse in there, just for the dad. In the end, everything will be okay. Just keep breathing and supporting that woman in there."


The next few hours were a blur for the young couple. It was like they had zoned out on the entire experience, but also remembered most of it as the moments after the twins made their arrivals happened. 

"They are beautiful." Elliot breathed, as he stood beside his wife and looked at the two babies laying against her chest. He hadn't fainted, which made the experience all the more exciting.

"I cannot believe that they are finally here." Olivia whispered as she looked up at her husband. Elliot smiled at her, before leaning down and kissing her softly.

"I didn't realize how hard this would actually be for you, Liv. But you were a badass and only swore like four times." Elliot grinned.

"I apologize. I should have sworn more for your amusement." Olivia said with a roll of her eyes.

They went back and forth for a while before Elliot settled down on the edge of the bed and they held the twins together.

"I'm really glad I came home." Olivia whispered as she rested her head against Elliot's shoulder.

"I am too."

Hey guys! Thanks for the support in this book! I hope you all enjoyed it, and that I ended it on a high note!

Coming Home [A Bensler Fan Fic]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara